Posted: 5 years ago
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I've haven't even been with my company a month and I already got pulled in for a random. Fm said I'll probably be good for this year. We'll see!
The sucky thing about it was it was a clinic in Las Vegas and we asked if there was truck parking fm said yes, what he didn't say was it was the nurse that said there was. We did look at Google but didn't realize what we thought was different colored pavements were actually covered parking for cars. It was a bit of a truck trap! Only had to hop one curb and do a 90 to get out but if the lot had been more full we would have been screwed!
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Where do you get your weather??
I thought I had! Will do!!
Incidentally, you can change your Driver Status now, Amber.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Where do you get your weather??
Thanks guys!!
I have always been a wunderground fan. Still like it just curious what others use!!
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Where do you get your weather??
Curious what app or website experienced truckers use for weather??
Thank you!!
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Rookie who can’t stand otr training
I didn't enjoy training at all either, it feels like you are at someone else's mercy. My trainer was super indecisive which made it very difficult at times, never knowing what would really end up happening. I wanted to cry many times, I just kept reminding myself that this will end.
Now my husband and I are on the road on our own and I'm loving it, so worth it!! If you can, stick it out through training and see if you like it once you get out on your own.
Best of luck to you.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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PackRat's 2020 Daily Driving Diary
So would the guard or office personnel inform you that you shouldn't deliver early? We got a couple notices about not delivering early but when we got there and asked they said it was fine, all d&h not live unloads. Thank you for all the time and energy this will take Packrat!!
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Post A Picture Of Your Significant Other Here’s Mine
Our first week of driving! Going well so far!
My hubby and me!
Love this thread!!
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Pictures of the hose holder that fell off. It's only held on by a plastic clip, that clips up onto the metal bar not down over it. I have seen that some people zip tie it on and a lot of people don't use it. We have just clipped onto the metal bar instead of using it.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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They pulled out of the gladhands when you made your turn...
They didn't pull out the glad hands the fittings broke on the truck leaving part of the threaded pipe in the truck, the glad hands were still connected at the trailer no damage there.
That is essentially the set up, there is an angled bar attached to the metal bar that they are attached to on my trainer's rig, instead of being directly attached to the metal bar like in this picture. I saw both ways at the yard yesterday.
Posted: 5 years ago
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I-40 or I-70 decision time
So bad weather every where. We have a 19600 load going from LA to Toledo, OH. They said we can take I 40 to tucumcarri, NM then hwy 54 to I35 but looking at the weather that route is getting hit right now with a storm.
We can also take I 15 to I 70 but there are strong wind warnings on I15 and then 70 has been hit and is in the mountains.
What would you guys do??