Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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I have been a waitress for most of my adult life...the first 20yrs were great, but the last 5 sucked!! I have been searching for a career change that would suit my personality, and of course without a Bachelors Degree, I have been unsuccessful.
My boyfriend and I have decided to team up and make a living together, however, he is at Prime, Inc at this time while I stay back and be his #1 supporter. Our plan is to let him go first, then I will ride with him to make absolute sure this is what I want to do. Also I can get familiar with the big rigs and how they operate before I go to school.
My daddy always called me his "free spirited child"...and that's exactly who and what I am! ;)
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Oh, we're gonna do blonde jokes too? Okay, here's one of my favorites. Two blondes are walking through the woods when they come upon a set of tracks. The first blonde says "Those are, like, bear tracks." The second blonde says "Nah uh, those are, totally, like, deer tracks!" They were still arguing about it when the train hit them.
LOL!!! Said no one ever!!! If you're gonna tell blonde joke...make sure it's funny!!
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Congrats Mongo!!! I hate that I missed you at Prime. They were extremely backed up. Jeff and I ended up staying at the Crack Motel 6 where they don't just keep the light on for ya..they keep the crack pipe burning for ya!
Good luck and enjoy home time!
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Hey Mongo and Roadkill...I'm at Prime right now with Jeff..he is here completing his upgrade and waiting for our truck...I will have a Prime visitor badge on..the difference is the chain and the background is gray...if you see me please do not hesitate to say hi!!
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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TruckingTruth's Member Photo Gallery!
This is such a great idea!!! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's pics!! Maybe guyjax can start the "drivers at truck stops" compared to " the ppl at Walmart" ( JK!!)
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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#MyPlan #ToPlan #DifferentPlan #NoPlan
So I had planned to get my permit before going OTR with Jeff. Well, he called the other day and said his trainer suggested picking me up on the way back to Springfield, so my plan is out the window! I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off getting everything together before leaving the house for a few weeks. I'm in the truck right now finger pecking on my phone...lol
We left NC Friday afternoon heading to Jessup MD to deliver. We rolled over to the TA to eat and wait for dispatch. While we were there, Eric ( trainer) asked me if I wanted to drive around the lot...well DUH!!! Heck yea I wanna drive!! They taught me the basics of turning and shifting gears. Double clutching is definitely an art but it can be done. I had the opportunity to back but I declined due to the fact I did not want to be any in the way of another trucker coming in. But over all....I FREAKIN LOVED IT!!!! It felt like second nature to me!!!
#NewPlan #RollWithTheFlow #MakeThingsHappen
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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TruckingTruth's Member Photo Gallery!
n. Yes I am Daniel!! Just added 2!!! I'm actually on the road now...whooo whoop!!!
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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#JustForFun: Where did your avatar name come from?
#Rockin80's #ForSure!!
That's cool.....and Rolling Stone fits.....LOL. Everyone is going to get a kick out of seeing this pic.
It's always great being able to add a picture to a life event. Thanks for posting that!!!
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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I'm digging that fan!!! I need to take a small one with me anyway just in case there's no way to cool down after a hot shower! I tend to have my water so hot, I look like I've been out in the sun all day!
Thanks for the picture Old School!
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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#JustForFun: Where did your avatar name come from?
#ThanksBrett I find everyone's name interesting.
Names have meaning, and I often wonder what that person has been through to get their nickname. From reading your book, Rolling Stone seems to fit you....I can see it! Ha!
Whitesnake: An' here I go again on my own Goin' down the only road I've ever known
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
These words fit me to a tee. I've learned a lot, seen a lot, lived a lot of different places....By the time I was 17, I had been to California and back (NC) twice...yes, I contributed a lot of gray hair to my dad....Never hooked on drugs or any of the "other bad stuff"....I just never fit in and made my own path with Very FEW regrets! But as I got older....I calmed down....A LITTLE! LOL
When are you going to post a pic of you and your truck from "back in the day"
#Longhair #YoungTruckDriver #RollingStone #Owner #TruckingTruth
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Highway stretches that need improvement
I 20 La....If I did not have my seat belt on I would have been ejected from the truck! !