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  • Chris P.
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Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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Starting out companies?,-Inc./salaries/Truck-Driver

I don't know how reliable that is, but according to that, the average is $1,749 per week for a team driver.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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Trucking and Unionization...


You're smarter than I thought you were. Anyway, I calculated it last night with Dollar tree. The CEO's compensation, divided by the all employees, came out to about $50/year for every employee. It's definitely not a huge factor... at least with the first company I tested. I would argue that the total burden of management will notably effect piecework compensation, however.

Also, I'm curious. What was/is your business?

Who knows when you'll see this. I still have to get all my comment approved, and sometimes they never do... especially at night.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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Trucking and Unionization...

Not everyone that thinks like me is a loser. I'm kind of a loser. I have positive qualities. I'm smart, I'm strong, but I'm also depressed and unmotivated, and for some reason becoming a truck driver is very hard for me. I'm probably going to fail my English class because I can't find the motivation to write all my essays. (I got 100% on the essays I did turn in.) The woman I live with, however, has owned her own business, and she thinks like I do. She has also worked as a project manager for Nasa, IBM, etc. She makes more money than anyone here most likely. Also, I did work for a guy that was the CEO of a company that was far more socialistic than I am. I liked to troll him with right wing ideas just to get him going, lol. He never did try to hire me again. (I cut a tree down for him.)

Come to think of it, Brett Aquilah might think in a similar manner to me on this topic, and he's definitely not a loser either. (We certainly don't agree about everything.) Just pretending we're all losers isn't going to work. Even Bernie Sanders is a millionaire.

I don't understand why people act like it's somehow moral to not care what other people are making. Living the, "high life" is frivolous, and you'll note that guys like Bill Gates don't do that. If I had a ton of money, I'd use it to rescue animals or something - I'd find far more meaning in that.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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Trucking and Unionization...

I for one don't see it as jealously. I would ask though, who are you to determine what is or is not "right" when it comes to someone else's pay?

Why should hard working people struggle to make ends meet, and get subsidies for their food and medical insurance from other hard working tax payers, while the CEO of the company, and a handful executives, make unfathomable amounts of money? I'm not saying they shouldn't be paid more money than the regular workers, but it has gone to absurd levels. It's not good for our society, it's not ethical, and I'll gladly vote for people like Bernie Sanders until something is done about it.

That's who I am.

And I'm happy for the people around here making 6 figures as a truck driver. It means the American dream hasn't died for them.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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Trucking and Unionization...


Why do you think that CEO pay and employee pay are totally separate? It is true that a large part of a CEO's pay is awarded through stocks and stock options, but it's still very much connected to the company's performance. (As well as what the market determines, as you put it.) Regular employees could be awarded stock and stock options as well. They just generally aren't. It makes sense that a CEO would be paid with stock and stock options for two reasons. One, it's a tax loophole. Long term gains are taxed at a lower rate. The other is that it rewards a CEO for performing better in the market. CEO pay, as well as regular employee pay, both go against the bottom line: Profits.

It's dishonest to say they're independent of one another.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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Trucking and Unionization...

^^This. If you want CEO money go be a CEO or roll the dice and start your own company.

I don't want to make current CEO money, and I don't want to be a CEO. I Just think that pay should be more fairly distributed. There are some people on here making a fairly good amount of money as a truck driver; it's part of why I'm interested in being one. I think people mistake my protest as jealousy, but it isn't. It's about what's "right". I actually respect some CEOs like Elon Musk and Bill Gates (well, ex-CEO)

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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Trucking and Unionization...

This position has no merit. The CEOs pay has absolutely zero effect on your pay. It will not solve anything, nor create problems. It's a complete myth. In trucking, where we get paid predominantly by piecework, the only person who determines your value is yourself.

You clearly have not read anything about income inequality. You also don't seem to understand how a company works, and where the money comes from. I'm not sure where the error in your thinking resides. Where do you think the CEO's compensation comes from? Part of it is from the stock market doing better, but employees could be compensated with stock too. As a truck driver, you are not just making money for yourself. You're making money for your company, and others above you get to decide how much you are compensated. I hate to burst your delusional bubble.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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Trucking and Unionization...

Doesn't the CEO deserve more? It's the CEO that had to accept the risk of starting the business, has to every day work to get business to keep things going. It's the CEO that has to make the decisions regarding which direction the company goes, what the company is and isn't willing to get involved in and he/she has to make decisions about the people applying to the company and the risk they may do good for the company or not.

The CEO does deserve more, but not 351.1x more, which was the case for 2021. Also, driving a truck is risky. The CEO gets to sit safely at home, while the drivers are out on the roads, risking their lives, earning for the company. It doesn't hurt the economy to share the wealth more fairly. infact, it will help the economy. Do some research on income inequality and all the negatives associated with it.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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Sitting in a truck all day

If you're doing LTL, whether linehaul or P&D, there's a good chance you'll spend part of your day loading and unloading the trailers. I know some drivers seem to think they'll get cooties if they have to actually touch freight, but I enjoyed the variety and physical activity as a nice break from all that time spent sitting there holding a steering wheel. And linehaul is generally overnight, so you'll rarely spend a lot of time stuck in traffic.

How does linehaul and LTL work, exactly? Like I hear these terms thrown around, and I have a vague notion about them, but I don't get it entirely. Help a noob out. My ideal trucking job would be to do the same route every night.

Posted:  2 years, 4 months ago

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No loads for you….

On the "dispatchers are busy" idea, it came up in class today that dispatchers at Veriha are each handling ~40 drivers. If you do the math, that means I'd get at best 10 minutes a day of their time, and 5 would proabably be better. If I take up any more than that without a damn good reason, then I'm the selfish whiny *******.

It's not your fault if they make dispatchers take too many drivers.

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