I went through WIA in PA. Not sure how the process varies but you take about 4 classes, and a test then you get approved for funding. You go to private school and find a company to sign on to.
The WIA program is administered thru the employment department in your area. So you need to go there, and ask them about it. You will be qualified, and I"m sure they will have a list of schools that they qualify. Also, some community colleges offer a cld course. So be sure and check into that...ALSO...if you are a military service veteran, there are also special monies available thru the VA....
Welcome to TT....and just keep asking questions...and we will just keep answerin' them as best we can..
.And feel free to post on ANY of the forums...us ladies haven't been restricted since we got the right to vote
Thank you for the information, it is greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately I don't qualify but I am not going to let that stop me. I have decided to attend Sage in Indianapolis.
Most companies have tuition reimbursement and do qualify for fasfa grants
I tried wia in my area but they wanted like 15 papers and documents all together, i tried to get them it all but it was time consuming, so after a month of trying to appease them and drive to their office. i just took out a small loan on my car and paid for the school i am going to now. i feel happier already. 1 week left. sorry i am a man though but this is advice i can give you from what my experience was
Daniel A you are welcome in here.....we don't discriminate....but we do have a disclaimer......if you accidentally read something in here that does one of the following.. 1: gives you nightmares 2: makes you have unreasonable yearnings to become a priest. 3:makes you wish you'd never come to the Ladies Forum 4:makes you want to move to the Galapagos Islands 5:convinces you that women truly are superior 6: become suicidal after realizing # 5.
.......The Ladies of Trucking Forum, the Moderator, or Trucking Truth will not accept liability:
Operating While Intoxicated
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I have made the decision to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming an OTR truck driver. Based on my research private school is my preferred path but my funds are very limited (unemployed for over 6 months). While reading through the forum I ran across the discussion about WIA and I have not heard of this before. I would like to hear more about it and the process from someone that has first hand experience.
Over The Road
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.