Profile For Stevo Reno

Stevo Reno's Info

  • Location:
    Cebu City, Philippines, CA

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

  • Social Link:
    Stevo Reno On The Web

  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 7 months ago

Stevo Reno's Bio

Started as diesel tech back in early 80's Engines were my specialty natural talent. Worked as mechanic over 40 years. Auto n truck tech. Did forklift tech job 2 years for Nissan. Did a few stints for myself, doing mobile mechanic work between jobs. Know every facet on home building and repairs too. Jack of all trades lol

Spent last 3 years trucking, until reaching 62 and retired to move and live part 2 of life in the Philippines, after coming here twice before and being kind of adopted by 3 of my Filipino friends families. Currently living in the mountain jungle province of the 1st family I spent 3 months with in 2016.

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Posted:  2 weeks ago

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Dot Physical

When I converted my Calif license to Filipino license, my vision test was seeing the hidden numbers in a pixled screen on her PC lol easy peasy.

Back in Cali for my 1st DOT physical, I couldn't read past line 5 on the dang chart. My vision slightly worse after many decades on computer screens daily for hours on end. Had to scramble for eye dr to get cheapo plastic glasses, which I read the chart down to line 9 with lol.....

Yet, in the real world, I can see far down the roads, shocking my friends if we're looking for a place, say in Vegas. I can spot the signage etc, down the road long before they could. I must admit the glasses did sharpen my vision, but I didn't really need or use them much driving. I do need & use reading glasses for reading the menus and most printed stuff.

Gettin' old does suck at times lol @ least I have good health !

Posted:  3 weeks ago

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Is Everyone safe? Winter Mess!

BRRRRR ! I don't miss those temp's or the snowy white stuff! Stay safe and warm out there! It's a balmy 5 am here, more rain around 3am temps' @26cels / 78.8F mostly cloudy again. I do get tired of this constant rainy season, hard to plan a day off the mountain into the city. The weather here can change in minutes, from sunny to sudden rain showers lol.

Posted:  1 month ago

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Dealing with anger

Once again Davy you articulate explanation on your views hit the nail on the head !! lol.....I've never liked or needed "big brother"/ the boss, or especially customers, looking over my shoulder, while I do my job....

I remember 1 time especially at work for a Ford dealer in Cali. I was doing a laundry list of repairs to a gentlemans truck in my corner stall. This guy casually walks up and stands around watching, getting in my way. Customers are ONLY allowed in the shop when the boss brings them over. Anyway, this guy is not leaving, after I told him he needed to go to the waiting room and he is starting to get on my nerves. Finally, I drop my tools on my tool cart, and walked away to the coffee maker up front . He looks at me probably thinking "Where the hells he going?"

Well, I told my shop manager to get the guy outta my way, and up into the waiting room, before I go back to work on his truck!

Posted:  1 month ago

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Valve stem core?

Yes, from my 45+ years as a truck n auto mechanic, all valve stem cores are the same.

And they sell a little pocket like screwdriver for those cores. Wal Mart might even sell em, or those metal valve stem caps, also have the slot for core removal/tightening. And any auto parts store has em too

Hell, I think a bicycle tube core would work, never tried em, because we always had 1000's of stems and cores on hand at most of my jobs. Sometimes they do leak over time, or "someone" can loosen it to be a "richard".....It is kinda rare to have a leaky 1, but it can happen, the little rubber seal at the bottom of the core gets weak/leaks from age

Posted:  1 month, 2 weeks ago

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Dealing with anger

"Serenity Now, Serenity Now!" lol As pointed out the time lost because of slower, dumber drivers is a fact of life, especially with the amount of vehicles out on ANY road in the US.

I always found it funny, especially driving my 4 wheelers. Ya always get some jerk who wants to, speed, weave 'n' bob in traffic, to get ahead of everyone else. Yet you DO end of catching up to them @ the light etc hahaha So all that idiotic driving didn't really get them further ahead than you! And when you end up either right next to em or behind em at the stop light, whatever lol soooo they got nothing!

Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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We Lost a Dear Member! Anne

WOW ! Just WOW ! I have wondered about her quite often, once she quit posting much. I too like OS talked to her many times, she'd call me or vice versus, many times. She was a very cool lady and funny, I figured she just got busy with LIFE doing other things. Last time we talked was days before I was flying out of the U.S.

A very sad day of news for sure, and I've missed our chats and will always miss those and never forget her spirit and what she did here helping out !! Rest in Peace dearest Annie, you will be missed definitely by many!

Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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“Are These Driver Agreement Policies Fair or Even Legal?”

I drove for Legends for all of 4 months, before my retirement. I would still be there if not for my plans to retire early and leave the US lol.....I signed the same form I think back in Dec 2021....Orientation was only 3 days maybe because I had driven already elsewhere for 2 years prior.

I liked it there very much, I had a sort of "dedicated" run from Fontana/Rancho to Texas/ Oklahoma and made bank! I also loved how they paid all bonus's as well. Separately listed as "reimbursements" so NO taxes were taken for those. LIke at the time a $10,000 driver bonus over 2 years. Helped boost my checks when I got those , and I got the orientation pay was the very next days later.

After 1 month of driving there, I also got my $1,000 seated bonus addition.....

good-luck.gif .....SAM

Posted:  2 months, 2 weeks ago

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Happy Thanksgiving🦃

Well, you're Turkey Day has arrived !! Don't overeat lol eh gorge yourself if ya wanna.....Stay safe and healthy all the time....I do miss the turkey n fixin's but eh my 65th Bday is on the 1st, told my filipina to not go all out on anything, maybe just a cake, pork n fish Now I AM ancient hahaha. Remember as a kid thinking, that 45-50 was oldddd!

And to all a happy & safe holiday season, as this 2024 finally ends!


Posted:  2 months, 2 weeks ago

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What NOT to eat. Nutrition on the road.

I've noticed lately, after eating me a nice big burger I go like 20+ hours before hunger returns.....Made me a 1/2 lb (guess) burger, with cheese n salsa on top like a steak, no bun/bread. 4:30 pm wasn't hungry again til after noon the next day ! Even though I've never been a breakfast eater anyway, I just eat when I'm hungry at no set time of day or night.

We also seem to buy lots of fresh fish too lo,l my Filipina likes her dried fish blehhh..... @ least the seafood is very cheap here too, compared to the U.S. lol

Posted:  2 months, 2 weeks ago

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Somebody that hit me at my old company is trying to sue me and the company.

Yep, get legal council, seems after 2 years , NOW, they wanna get paid, by 1 or both ends.....Surprises me they didn't go after a case soon after the incident.

confused.gif good-luck.gif

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