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  • David L.
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Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Going solo in a couple days. Overwhelmed, i need to understand Next time available.

When we ran with Swift their system worked, but then we had a fabulous DM. With current co. we enter available time with our empty call. We don't get stacked loads very often with we enter the ETA and head for a truck stop.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Team driving with most home time for cdl grads

We ran 3-4 weeks with Swift and had a lot of coast to coast. With SLT we are out 5-7 weeks...5 is normal...most of our runs are under 1000 miles but our latest is 1900...running team is a lot different than solo...

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Driving vs Animals

I had a deer (maybe-it left hair on my left side rear shock) take out my airbag linkage. We were driving a KW T680 on I-80 in was a real long downgrade and I was geared down pleasantly using the jake. A truck about 1/4 mike ahead apparently nailed the critter and it went down and other his rig. I never really saw the body but felt a bump. As a result my air bags deflated and screwed up my drive train alignment...the truck ahead pulled over at the bottom so I assume he had damage. I stopped at Little America and found the broken linkage...I don't know why KW sets up the control linkage like they do but it is vulnerable. Anyway, got the linkage repaired at the SLC Swift terminal but the truck was real noisy from then on. Sometimes you just can't miss the critters. I had good following distance on a long DARK grade with speed holding at 55 and never did see it!

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Another CB question

We mounted ours in the factory mount and run it through the stock antennas on our Kenworth. We picked up a Unidentifiable handheld for spotting. Some shippers use CB to notify you when your load is ready and Little America in WY use channel 1 for their scale...

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Swift Academy - Memphis Tennesse 7/11/15

Hang in there! I went through Memphis/Millington last January...the new setup is much nicer...the motel in Millington really sucked but Walmart and Kroger were nearby. I've been in and out of the terminal several times the last few months but haven't seen Tony or any of my instructors. The goal at the academy is to get you prepared to pass the skills part of your state exam. Road training will get you ready, sort of, for the road test in your state and you will continue to work on skills. One note: if you have a decent mentor the first thing you'll change is how you setup your alley dock! The only advice I can give is suck it up and stick it out...being on the road will NOT necessarily br easier...running team since March I've personally logged nearly 85000 miles...we feel lucky to get 2-3 showers in a three week run! The pay is good but the lifestyle can be pretty grueling. Good luck.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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United Refrigeration

The guy was a tool. He started by going all passive aggressive on me: "You're late. Where you been? Sleeping?" I gave him the raised eyebrow...yeah, tool is as far as I'll go. My response was "I'm not late, we Te scheduled for 1:15. And, I just picked up your trailer an hour ago and have been sitting in traffic on I35W for the last 30 minutes".

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Well, It's the ole "Am I too Old" question again...

I'd say go for it. I'm almost 63 and started training in January. I've been teaming with my son since March. We run hard but I haven't found anything I can't handle. Remember, too, there are lots of driving jobs besides OTR if you find that's not your forte.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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State/Fed safely push

Haven't seen it mentioned, but there is a big inspection push right now. Check your permits, medical card, etc. and expect to not get the Pre-Pass green very much over the next few days. Coming into Greer, SC, yesterday we were light and got pulled in three times. Didn't get stopped but didn't get the Pre-Pass either.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Where have you stopped?

If you like old cars I strongly recommend a stop at Russell's Truck and Travel Center, exit 369 on I 40 near Glenrio, NM. I stop there every time I pass and when I have the chance to take my 10 hr break its incredible just to see the sunrise or sunset. To me its just amazing to witness the beauty this country has to offer just riding along.

We enjoy Russell's, too. Iowa 80 is cool. I stopped there for an "emergency" fuel stop the other night. Too bad it was 2AM!! Found a nice little summit stop on the last CA run...they are still working on it but it's got a good view, a coffee shop, and short order kitchen. The Hopi truck stop is interesting and they have a real knife shop! Not the cheap junk. We like Loves on I40 in Amarillo...easy in and out and the Big Texan steakhouse is a short walk has some truck parking, too. Can't leave out the state operated stops: Ohio has some great ones with showers. FL Turnpike stops are ok, too. We haven't gotten to play tourist very much as out team truck is often scheduled pretty tight. Traffic in Atlanta and Dallas cost us some good scheduled down time a few weeks ago! Some regular truck stops are interesting for the people watching!

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Lumpers and Lumper fees

I've only dealt with Lumpers twice and both were last week. We had one load with two drops. $65 at one and $135 at the other. We use ComChecks and its a bit of a pain but has to be done. This seems to be most prevalent in the grocery biz.

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