Profile For Tracey D.

Tracey D.'s Info

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    Considering A Career

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    10 years, 3 months ago

Tracey D.'s Bio

Stay-at-home mom. College degrees Registered Nurse Tired of caring for others Want to be alone, listen to my music, and drive. Been known to put on 1,000 miles just to get out of the house!

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Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Handling your ladies time on the road...

I used to take the depo provera shot for birth control every 12 weeks. I didn't have a period for over 10 years. No need to take a break from it and bleed. If I had wanted to get pregnant again, it can take up to a year or so to get back to normal. But I loved to not have to worry about having periods and buying tampons all the time. Now, I had an ablation a couple of years ago, so no periods and no birth control.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Hello and question

My boyfriend drives for Roehl. I know that the reefer runs on its own fuel that needs filling and a watchful eye. Qualcom messages come pretty quick if they detect the temperature not where it should be. As for your own comfort, I believe they state "they want you to be comfortable," but I know that they don't like you to idle. I have heard his stories of how he will be sitting all day and will have AC running until his battery goes dead. And then he doesn't want to start it up again unless he absolutely has to. It doesn't happen often that his battery will die before it is time to start up again on another 14 hour day.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Ready to go to court

So you had two incidences where you had to wait? And you are ready to sue them? Please tell me I am understanding this wrong! Isn't waiting at a shipper/receiver quite a normal part of this job?

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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How about this for an sleeper

The video/article says the older couple can haul up to 14,000 lbs. of cargo. On the other hand, I know a trucker who only hauls brand new HDs from the stores to their new owners. He only takes out 6-8 at a time across the country. Can't imagine he has a lot of weight to carry and I know he has a sleeper similar to this in size and amenities, but not quite so luxurious. What are the chances Swift or Prime will start handing these babies out to their drivers? Only in our dreams!

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Is HTC out of Roff Oklahoma a good company

Cool site, Errol. I have it bookmarked. Thanks for the info!

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Hair Tests

Hi Cory. I wondered about drug testing and alcohol use also. I have never used drugs except for pain relief after surgeries, years ago. But I do like to have a glass or two of wine in the evening. Talked to a few medical people I know and looked through my old textbooks for some answers. Basically, a urine test will find alcohol for up to 80-90 hours after consumption (3-4 days). But hair follicle testing can detect alcohol use for about 90 days prior. Can also distinguish between heavy alcohol consumption, social drinking, or even just a few drinks the past three months. Hair testing for alcohol has to be hair from the scalp, doesn't work with body hair. And the hair needs to be at least 1 - 1.5 inches in length. Dyeing, bleaching, or perming does not affect test, as they are testing what is inside the hair not what was done to the surface of the hair. So, best to avoid all alcohol for at least 90 days before testing to be sure!

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Relationship with a trucker

Congratulations on meeting a fantastic man! That is the hardest part. Being in a relationship with a trucker is not easy, but can be sooo worth it. I began thinking seriously about a career in trucking last summer. But I still have a 15 year-old child at home, so cannot go OTR for awhile yet. I hope to one day get my CDL-A and join the ranks. But I did meet a wonderful trucker last October and we are going strong after nearly a year. We talk on the phone everyday, usually only for about ten minutes though. He's usually driving at the time and I don't want to distract him for long. We also text every few hours or so. I'm lucky in that he is a regional driver of sorts and is only gone for about 12 days at a time, then home for two or three. (But I was a Navy wife for 15 years, so have gone through separations for up to 9 months! And back before the internet and cell phones - we had snail mail only!) I think one of the most important things you can do is to keep yourself busy with something that you love. Horses can be a wonderful distraction from your time apart. And a job that you enjoy. It will make his time away seem to go faster and easier.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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How to lower blood pressure before DOT physical

A favorite tip midwives tell pregnant women whose blood pressure is rising is to eat celery every day. Four stalks or so. Or at least some about 30 minutes before measuring BP. Celery contains certain chemicals that dilate the blood vessels allowing more blood to pass through easier. And it is a natural diuretic. Very similar to blood pressure medications.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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Drivers score victory in Werner class action case

" The Line 4 is the one that goes against your total 70 hours drive and Line 2 (Sleeper) won't. The less On Duty Not Driving you are able to log, the more chance you have to Drive and make money. "

Just wondering what the difference in paycheck would be between line 4 and line 2?

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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ABF says they pull this all the time

Good for you. Even if it is a pain in everyone's ass. Stick to what you believe is right!

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