Posted: 8 years ago
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Great call on the water and banana's. I did a physical for CR England and my BP was about 147/90 if I remember right. 4 days later I did one for Roehl and it was about 20 points lower. In those 4 days I drank a lot of water and ate lots of bananas. Good stuff! Good luck!
Posted: 8 years ago
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A tale as old as time. You want your family to live a good and happy life and you want to be a part of it too. Where is the balance between your happiness and your families. Do the two coincide?
I have been in the communications industry for the last 10 years. A lot of that work did involve travel. Not nearly as extensive as the OTR lifestyle. Nonetheless it was time away from home to make money to pay for said home. A lot of that work paid well, supported my family, but drained on me. I have had jobs that didn't pay as well but I loved to do. There is a balance somewhere and I believe I may be able to find a balance in trucking. The needs of my family are shelter, medical, dental, and food. The DESIRES of my family are luxuries, unlimited time together unhindered, all the money in the world.
Can I create a perfect equilibrium by trucking? No way. Could I do it with any of my prior jobs? No way. Could I satisfy more of the needs section than the wants section by trucking? Sure can. Can I satisfy more of the Desires section by trucking? No, but I think the only thing that could would be winning the lottery.
My point here is that I chose to go into trucking so that my family can hopefully find a decent lifestyle. I don't need to get rich, but I don't want to be poor either. There will be sacrifices, there are with any job. I believe the rewards that can hopefully be reaped from trucking outweigh those sacrifices. Either way I will hopefully have 150,000 miles to find out.
Good luck.
Posted: 8 years ago
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All laws aside you are driving a big rig. It is always your responsibility no matter what the situation is to ensure you make the outcome as positive as you can be. If that accident could have been avoided via actions taken by you and it wasn't then you are at fault. Laws or not. Don't screw around with peoples. With the amount of responsibility you have been given you shouldn't just hold yourself responsible for your actions, you need to hold yourself responsible for the actions of those around you. When I was in the army we had a saying, stay alert, stay alive.
Good luck and drive safe.
You guys DO REALIZE that the other guy broke the traffic laws don't you? Put it this way, in court he would LOSE. HE WOULD LOSE. Do I need to cite other cases as precedents? I can show you guys cases that would clearly side with me, yet you people would STILL villify me. Because you need to get your way. Because of your mob mentality. I am talking about LEGALITY here. Could I have made more effort? YES! But when I changed lanes HE WAS NOT THERE. GET IT? Does that mean I would lose in court? NO! And that is what my whole rant was about. ABOUT THE LEGAL SIDE OF IT. So let me pose to you guys another scenario: I DO check my mirrors throughout the whole meneuver, and notice him swing around and try to pass. HOWEVER, I can't do anything because another guy just took the hole I vacated and now I can't get back. Now what?
Posted: 8 years ago
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Do collapsible batons fall under these categories anywhere?
Posted: 8 years ago
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This is why i never want home time EVER!
Reaper, I am sorry you have to deal with the environment that you are in. As far as the licensing issue with your fiance I believe you are right. The age at which someone can first obtain their permit they do need their parent or guardians permission and approval because they are not legally adults yet. Once an individual becomes of age to be considered an adult they then need to find someone who is willing to teach them to drive. I only know the laws of Virginia but they need 40 hours of driving with a licensed adult, 10 of which must take place at night. That is a big commitment for anyone to make to help someone learn to drive. While it may be unfortunate that your fiancee was unable to get her license it sounds like you guys are on the right track with the permit. I think you should encourage her to learn to drive and acquire her license. I did so with a good friend of mine and she was happier than ever when she got her license. It gave her a great sense of freedom. If I were you I would do everything in my power to get out of that negative environment and focus on the future.
I hope it all works out for you, good luck.
Posted: 8 years ago
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YATD - Yet Another Training Diary
Good luck John! I will follow your progress on APRS thanks for doing that. Good luck and drive safe!
Posted: 8 years ago
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Personally I would make the inquiry with my recruiter. They should be able to give you most accurate information. I do not know how the CDL Manual is layed out in your state, but in Virginia the manual lets you know which sections you need to study in order to get just the CDL permit without any endorsements.
Posted: 8 years ago
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OOOOOOOOHH buddy the crazy ways I could think to use a wonderful device like this. Sprinkles on the worlds biggest bowl of ice cream perhaps. A good way to dump the sauce on the worlds largest pizza....sorry guys I'm hungry.
Posted: 8 years ago
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What is the best practice for getting the most out of your HOS?
Just as the title says. Is it best to drive your 11 if you can or is there some kind of golden secret formula guarded by Buddhist trucking monks in some far away land that must be earned through deep dedication and tragic sacrifice?