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Posted:  9 years ago

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Prime and sleep apnea


You should read the bottom of the article. Read what the real people dealing with this are thinking. BMI tests are not a requirement of passing a DOT physical. I am 80 pounds off and if thats the case I am done with trucking. Reason why drivers sleep behind the wheel is because they don't sleep on purpose. The big time accidents Tracy Morgan in new jersey and Fed EX that killed 10 people in California were caused by skinny drivers.

Posted:  9 years ago

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Prime and sleep apnea


Article is old but should be useful information. There are plenty of company's hiring. BMI tests are administer per company by request not required.

Consider it a blessing Prime gave you a hurdle so you can have second thoughts about being their employee.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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You guys need to be aware

Some of these internet job ads are nothing more than phishing. Don't give out personal info till you can see a live person in front of you. Independent recruiters do not take precautions to keep sensitive info safe. Ive ran up on several ads with no job location and just a phone number with voice mail. Get a address and company name trust but verify.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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SWIFT in cab cameras

Cameras have been around for over a hundred years. The question now is why now? Dumbed generation? Desperate people just wanting a job?

I swear to God some of you drivers i think you're homeless bums. The conditions you accept to keep a thankless job. You not going to get rich driving a truck. If you're driving just to go see the good ole USA you're doing it the wrong way.

For the fella that says " we all answer when one driver wrecks " last i remember as a grown a$$ adult you answer for your own mistakes. The big misconception is its like Bj mackay and Smokey and the bandit out here. Be prepared as a adult to handle your situation. There are some a few drivers that will help you and a bunch that will not. I've seen drivers back other drivers into truck as a spotter. Guess what they laughed about it and walked off.

Go ahead brett call me stupid again.

Posted:  9 years, 5 months ago

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SWIFT in cab cameras

Duct tape and hammers are a drivers best friend. If everyone does it nobody can stop it.

Quoted from a old trucker.

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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More trucking truth?

I know I am hated here now but i have to get this out to new drivers "That wanna make all that money"

As you look for jobs on the internet you will apply apply. Some of these jobs are internet phishing scams. They take your personal info and store it and you get bills in for stuff you didn't buy. You are a victim of identity theft and have to fix it. I am not promoting and company that protects you but it would be wise to find a legitimate company to protect yourself.

Stop all the hate drivers I gonna turn off my CB now.

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Drivers Guaranteed Pay for All On-Duty Hours - Transportation Bill

All I have to say is Arrow trucking. Christmas 09 when that went down I told the owner of a small outfit I worked for. Its not right to shut off fuel cards and forced drivers to get out of their trucks. The owner said," They had every right to do that." Needless to say my trust level in him diminished. I have seen drivers die on the job and companies refuse to get the body back home and hold the last paycheck to boot. If you put your faith into management most companies will leave you high and dry. I am glad you enjoy sunsets in New Mexico but some of us want to make a paycheck. Tooting the horn and scenery are not perks because can make the most wherever I am.

See, you say dumb things like this because you're getting too emotional about the subject. That kills your credibility. Your brain stops working but your fingers keep typing. I'm going to go out on a limb and say I don't believe this Bill being passed is going to force everyone to become owner operators, not even over a 10 year period, let alone 'instantly'.

I am sorry if I am dumb to you Brett. If you have not noticed companies are pushing percentage and 1099 more than ever. I am not emotional about it either. If you a driver accept unfair conditions it's nobody's fault but yours. I get evil remarks when asking about jobs. I have my usual round of questions because the ads are so vague I have to ask them so I don't waste their time and mine. (NO I DO NOT ASK HOW FAST THE TRUCKS GO)... Now I am the bad guy for job hunting again because I cant stand the job situation.

This whole thing proves the only evil to trucking is the drivers itself. We constantly berate one another thinking we are getting the upper hand when your bringing everyone else down with you.

Wow, you guys really "know" a lot about this industry and its inner workings. If things are like you say then you made a dumb choice becoming a truck driver instead of owning a company where you say all the money is.

To start out you need real good credit to get a newer truck. Even if your FICO is in the mid 700's you will need at least 10% down on a 130k rig. $13,000 at least without insurance. Next you will have to compete against low rates to just get running. Oh wait I can lease the company has it all figured out all I have to do is run. Yes I can rent a truck from a company and "Be my own boss" whatever.

You want trucking truth

Trucking is a low intelligence job for low intelligence people. So calling me dumb is not the first time and will not be the last time.

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Video of Crazy Marten driver roadrage

At least he used his blinker. Not that its a good thing to push other drivers around.

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Drivers Guaranteed Pay for All On-Duty Hours - Transportation Bill

Mr. Brett moderator

I never said I knew it all about trucking. I have been cussed out as a company driver for getting a better load than the lease operator. The company sent a policy statement a few days later telling drivers not to disclose to anyone (even other drivers for the same company) where you were going. Is that deception?

I owned a truck and found they intentionally kept freight rates secret from the drivers. We were supposed to get 80% of the load we found out a different amount being paid by the shipper through info from the shipper. Only way I would own a truck again (not lease) if I got full disclosure. Load confirmation sheets emails invoices for that load. You can throw the broker has to make money too little come back although we were not getting 80% of the money total loads. That is deception.

Its not just the big companies messing up the industry. There is a large group of guys (owner operators) that like to spout "back haul". "I'll run this load and get a back haul when I get there." In other words i will run my truck for cheap. If that's the case everywhere you go its someones "back haul". Everyone fights each other in this business. The job basically ruins a persons life because you never have personal time with your family whats the value on that. As far as recruiting and tax wright offs. Yes a driver will lie to you to get another into orientation. Some of the companies pay drivers for a person just for showing up and signing the book. That's enough incentive to lie. Look at whats going on a driver smacks into your truck at the truckstop and you are taking a shower and drives off without a word. Do you think there is integrity in this business both on the company and driver side.

Back to the OP's topic if this bill did pass everyone would be IC independent contractor 1099 instantly. I know last year was a "great" year for the owner operator I will predict if not already the fuel surcharge will disappear. You will pay that extra for diesel and nothing to show for it. So drivers better learn to do math. How much you need a day to pay for the truck e.g. truck notes insurance licensing. How much you need a mile Fuel & maintenance. This mental attitude the company handles that for me is a bad business model.

Have a happy Easter lets stop the hate drivers. I'm gonna turn my radio off.

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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Swift changing to Automatics

I remember back in the day with USA a driver went down a grade and pop the truck into 4th going 70 mph. The motor went grenade i said." At least you SOB's are paying for something you're sure not paying us." Detention was bad there of course not payed for it. Bret Speed in meetings would tell everyone there was no problem. All the driver tucked their heads in and said "okay".

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