Houston, TX
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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I've been interested in driving a truck for a long time. It's only been a thought that has crossed my mind so often, and when it does, TruckingTruth is where I come to learn. Former serviceman, and now a "cube-head" office worker, it's getting to the point where I'm second guessing my career choices and looking out into the unknown abyss at the possibilities. Sitting behind a desk day in and day out doing the same thing each and every day is no way to spend your life I've come to realize. I once thought the office life was for me, but it appears I may have been mistaken. I'm ready for a change.
To that end, I'm once again entertaining the thought and possibility of becoming a driver. While I know it isn't as easy as it looks, takes hard work and dedication, not to mention sacrifices in terms of family as just a few to mention off the top of my head, that doesn't turn me off one bit. I hope to try out this new "Training Program" on the site, see how it goes, learn some and see what happens from there.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Listed Company-Sponsored Training not offered any longer!
I think he's talking about the following dated periods, maybe:
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Listed Company-Sponsored Training not offered any longer!
The new rules standardizing cdl testing,has made things more difficult,for out of state cdl testing. Your pretty much going to have to train,in your own state.If you live in a state without a company sponsored program,expect a lot of headaches.
I'm slowly starting to realize that, XCELERATIONRULES. Maybe I'll get lucky and make something happen and find the exception. I'm looking into a Truck Driving CDL Course offered by a local Community College starting here in about a month. VA Benefits should make that rather easy to obtain. Gotta put the hammer down as I've already put in my two-weeks at my current place. Time to start bashing heads. Or applications.
Sure thing, Brett! I didn't see that either until you mentioned it. Glad to be of service. Least I can do for as much information as your site has given me over the months.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Listed Company-Sponsored Training not offered any longer!
Oh, and yes. You're right. They still list USA Truck (I applied last night to them specifically for USA Truck) and PAM. Maybe she was just confused? Haha. I don't know.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Listed Company-Sponsored Training not offered any longer!
Driver Solutions is the company that handles Company-Sponsored Training for PAM Transport and USA Truck.
The Driver Solutions Website still lists both companies and we haven't heard anything about them cancelling either program.
I know someone had recently said that Knight Transportation is only recruiting out of Arizona for their training program but that hasn't been confirmed yet either.
We're going to be updating that entire section pretty soon and we'll get the scoop on these changes.
Awesome! Thanks, Brett. I can personally confirm per the recruiter that I spoke with this morning, that USA Truck doesn't facilitate training through Driver Solutions. I mention this, is because after she mentioned that they didn't offer Company-Sponsored training any longer, I specifically asked about Driver Solutions. Just something to consider and/or look into!
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Listed Company-Sponsored Training not offered any longer!
Hey, all. Just a quick heads up for anyone looking into either Knight Transportation, or USA Trucking. Neither are offering company-sponsored training for folks in Texas. In fact, both I spoke with this morning do not offer it at all (Per recruiters)! Now, to be fair, Knight's recruiter did specifically say they're not offering training to people in Texas (he oddly worded it so I'm not sure if I just read into it or not).
Just a heads up for folks looking at those companies and live in Texas! Back to the drawing board.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Help! Can't obtain U.S. Passport!
Okay, disregard. I panicked. Haha. Chilling out for a few and looking into it, I think I'm good. A few such as Knight, don't require a passport. Just have to find another company that'll stack up to Prime. We'll see!
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Help! Can't obtain U.S. Passport!
Hey, folks. So, I'm in a tough spot. Long story short, I contacted Prime Inc. and got scheduled for orientation on the 24th of this month. I've put in my two weeks at my current job, and ready to get the ball rolling. But! I just learned something a few minutes ago that puts a HUGE kink in all the plans.
Apparently (and I should've done more research beforehand, and that's my fault) you can't get a U.S. Passport with back child support owed. I hit a rough patch some years back, and let it build up a bit. More than what is allowable for you to get a U.S. Passport. However, I'm slowly paying it down, but it's to much to pay all at once in order to get a U.S. Passport.
So, I need some knowledgeable folks to give me some advice here, please! So, what're my options? I chose Prime for the company sponsored training regime they have and the minimal cost out of pocket, and the pay. Obviously that's out of the question, since they require a U.S. Passport. Is this standard in the industry? Am I always going to have to have a U.S. Passport for OTR? I'm currently looking into other companies that I can make happen quickly, that're both decent in pay, and preferably offer company-sponsored training. Can anyone recommend one that not only has decent pay, company-sponsored training, and NOT require a U.S. Passport?
As a side note, yes. I'm doing my own research as I await someone's reply. But I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Thanks in advance for ANY insight you fine folks can give me.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Start School Monday. Have a family and need lots of home time. Roehl?
Congratulations on the career, bud. Me, I'm sort of in the same boat and my mind is in the same place. I threw in an application with Prime Inc this week, then talked to a recruiter the next day and I was in. This was yesterday. I've yet to give her a leave date for orientation, simply because I'm not sure that my mind is 100% completely committed yet for the same reasons as yourself. I asked her to give me a few days to mull it over and I'll get back with her. I've got a woman of about 2 years, whom has three boys, and I'll be honest.. if it wasn't for her, I'd be leaving Sunday.
She swears up and down she can handle it, that she's not worried and knows that OTR won't last forever (she knows I want to try to land a local LTL gig later on down the line for some more home time). She's crazy supportive, but not to excited about it. She knows I hate being in an office all day and everyday like I am currently, and she knows I've always wanted to be behind the wheel. But it's like I mentioned in another thread, I'm giving up a very good for-sure career, for an unknown. I've got no idea what this chapter will bring if I pull the trigger and call the recruiter. I'll be giving up a lot.
There's not much else to my post other than to let you know, you're not the only one, bud. I'm sure there's plenty of other people considering the very things that we are now. I suppose the way I look at it is much like others, a little sacrifice now, for a better life later. *Shrug*
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Does Prime Inc hire from Houston, Texas?
To answer the questions about home time and if you can get hired, as long as you are in a location that Prime hires from you will be fine. Just because they don't have a terminal or drop yard in your back yard does not mean they won't hire you.
I live in Chesapeake VA and the closest terminal to me is in Pittston PA (about 8 hours from my home). As long as you have a safe place to park the truck or drop the trailer (must be a secure lot) you are good to go. For those times when you don't have a secure place to park your trailer, as long as Prime has a shipper/receiver in your general area that you can drop the trailer at (I have several within 30 miles of my home) you will be good.
So as you can see, you do not have to be close to a terminal in order to work for Prime.
Very much appreciated, Ernie. Makes me feel a bit better about it.
I appreciate the responses, folks.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Texas permit ; Section 14 Special Requirements
Man Matt, I wished I would have found this before this morning. I too, had a similar experience this morning. I'm glad, well.. sort of, that I'm not the only one. I felt like crap on the bike ride home. I passed the first, and felt all good. Then, BAM.. nope. Folks, please heed this information. Section 14 of the Texas CDL Handbook is a MUST for studying as it isn't covered by High Road.
Good luck!