Rochester, MN
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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I now have a regular Fleet Manager and I'm out of the training phases - Not sure if this is a good thing or not?
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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It took a few days to set up the appointment b/c safety wanted 7 consistent nights on the auto-pap machine, I was just below the 70% compliance. All said and done I lost 5 work days. Got a very new truck & I'm on the east coast getting loaded as i type this! (The trailer is getting loaded NOT me - LOL)
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Long story short I lost the truck I had b/c of glitch in my DOT med card. I was put on "dispatch hold" until everything was sorted out and I was able to get my new card, that happened yesterday. The company paid for a rental car for me to get home (that's why I lost my truck) after leaving it at a terminal. So today I'm waiting for the call and the details of where I'll pick up my "new to me" truck! The whole process took only a week to figure out. OH well such is life. They also paid for the DOT physical.
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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No BS Truth about Trucking Video
This country is soft. We're like spoiled little marshmallows.
...and some of us are those big marshmallows you use when making smores over a campfire (I haven't gained any weight since starting, but there is a lot of big 'ol guys out there driving)
I won't watch the video. I won't listen to all the drivers out there complaining about their company, about their dispatcher, about the customer -- complain complain complain, just go with it and be thankful you have a paycheck or grab that sign and stand on the street corner. If you want to work, you can find a job. Everyone one of us here in the USA needs to be thankful.
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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So I wasn't careful in hooking my CB up this past time starting out, reversed the POS & NEG - I blew the protection diode. I was able to get some help replacing the diode. I'm going to put in an inline fuse on the pos lead. Do I need a 3amp or should I go w/ a 5amp? I'm not doing anything crazy with this radio, just plugging it. It is a Corba 29 ltd.
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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CDL Training (Roehl Specifically)
At roehl they are there to take the best and discard the rest. the training is mental as well and being able to drive and maneuver the truck. If you make it into their school it doesn't guarantee you a job a roehl. I've heard of people ended up with at other companies after doing the RDTC school. Also at the end of each day you're not done - there will be homework. Be prepared to work hard - but in the long run it is worth it.
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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Hello TT! It's been awhile, but this amazing thing happened...
Great to hear from you. Thanks for your encouragement a while back. Wondered about you glade things are good for you. I'm also enjoying the 7/7, felt like it took a bit to get here, but it has been worth it! Say hi when ur in Gary, I know I get there a lot - truck 8012 -Steve
Posted: 11 years, 7 months ago
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May I Have Your Attention Please!
So by now you've gotten you're 1st load w/ your NEW truck - WAY TO GO!!!
Posted: 11 years, 7 months ago
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Am I required to CLOCK OUT to satisfy new 30 minute break rule???
Yep got to be on line 1 or 2 for 30mins in an 8hr period of on-duty time. My e-log will now only give me 8hrs and reset that 8hrs after a 30min break. After I've done my break and there is only less than 8hrs on my 11/14 hr day the clock will give me what is left to drive for the day.
Posted: 11 years, 7 months ago
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Great to hear how things are going. Yeah this holiday weekend has been tough with planners/dispatch keeping me going. Sitting on a load that won't deliver until 4pm today & I'm 50miles away. Got here last night at 5pm - they won't take me early, so I'm chalking it up to just a fluke holiday weekend- staying positive and being patient, saying thank you & communicating goes a long way with the dispatcher. I do like red box when it is close by to enjoy cheap entertainment!
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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1Year ago-I was preparing to leaving for orientation-UPDATE
Favorite Highway – I really enjoy I80 in PA, run this a lot. The company I’m with doesn’t usually send you west of Denver until you’ve had a year behind the wheel.
Best memory – Seeing my Brother In Law on the toll-way in south Chicago. He works for a local company out of S. WI and they use day cabs. Needless to say we caught up for a coffee at one of the the oasis. I had left from I69 in Indiana that morning. 2nd best: Shutting down in northern MS on I55 and had a chance to run into another driver I went through orientation with.
Biggest challenge – for me it is the alone time in the evenings when I am shutting down, esp when I have some wait time on a delivery the next morning. When I'm working, no problem, but being away on a weekend night or missing a family event is a challenge.
Close mistakes – Missing a sign for “low bridge” but it worked out, I stopped and watched another 13’6” truck make it under. I also came close to taking out some utility lines once, remember to always look up. Oh and G.O.A.L. saved me many times, I never wanted take the chance, I really don't want the paperwork.
Best Meal – X69 in I94 in Wisconsin. There is a family run restaurant across the street from the Pilot. Homemade bakery and the best steak at a great price.
Best purchase for the truck – Rand McNally GPS. This saved me many times when trying to find a place to shut down. I still never use it for local directions to a customer. 2nd best: the “lunch box” oven. I make my own bagel egg sandwiches at home, freeze them and warm up one each morning for breakfast. Also great for warming up leftovers from home when spending the night at a customer and there is no place to purchase supper.
I am amazed at how much I've learned and I'm still learning. I'm home this weekend but leave out again Wed morning. This site continues to be a source of some good reading and encouragement.