Profile For Nate_K

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Recent CDL school grad and about to start my driving career.

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Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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New to trucking which school is best for a ex miltary vet??

I did training at Roadmaster Fontana.

I do not recommend that location if you have zero large truck experience.

If I could do it again I would of went to training in house with either Roehl (Who I Work for) Lots Of Vets here, OR Prime. Heard it's one on one and also vet friendly.

TMC is popular also and another vet friendly company.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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A new concern

Had no idea he was team driving.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Considering switching to dry van

To get back on topic with the OP.

I don't work for swift but I do run reefer. I find it interesting that you are trying to sleep so much at customers.

I normally start my day at 0100. I'd say 90% of my appointments fall between 0600 and 1500. By running at 0100 I am able to adjust easily for those on occasion 2000 or 0030 appts.

Logging sleeper at the customer is a must to save your 70 but I rely on my 10 hour break for sleep. If I can catch a couple z's at a slow customer it's a bonus but I never rely on sleeping at a customer during loading/unloading.

So my question would be are your customers that slow your getting a 10 in while waiting to be loaded/unloaded? Or is there another factor I am missing why you can't sleep on your 10?

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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A new concern

If you make your appointment times who cares how many miles you drive a day?

I might run 630 on Monday which sets me up to only have to run 100 on Tuesday.

Making appointments on time and not hitting stuff is your job. Everything else is just trucker bs.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Best Advice for Finding Good Truckstops

You will learn the truck stops and plan your stops to hit the ones you like.

I also use trucker path but it does not show all the truck stops. Time on the road will be your best guide.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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Roehl training

Came to Roehl end of December with a prior CDL.

1. Orientation is a lot of info crammed in a short amount of time. 2. On road training is important and take it as such. Don't let your trainer coddle you. Make them let you do everything yourself. You don't get a lot of time to learn on the road. 3. When you go solo they expect you to make mistakes. Be honest if you do and always communicate. 4. FM's I have had been good. No complaints. 5. A lot of great guys drive for Roehl. Take the time to get to know some of them. 6. They let you change fleets and hometime with no trouble. Huge bonus points here.

I can tell you I talk to a lot of drivers who are leaving and they all say they will come back if their local gigs don't work out.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Ghetto shut down locations

Well hell.

I shouldn't of read this post as I sit in an empty lot of my customer on the southside of Chicago waiting to deliver tomorrow morning.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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I have a question about Schneider 7 on 7 off.

I did 7 days on with Roehl for my first month or so and got from Wisconsin to Phoenix but ran out of my 70 on way home and ended up out for 8 days.

Usually ran a large regional area mostly midwest. Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Missouri.

I would assume Schneider will do similar.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Soon to be starting CDL School with Roehl

Budget eating on the road is what I do.

I spent the $30 for a lunchbox stove and eat lots of canned soup, hot dogs, brats, and of course pb& j. I also bought a Coleman Iceless cooler and it lets me keep drinks and food nice and cool.

The only time I eat at a truck stop is if I am craving Popeyes chicken or biscuits and gravy. I take $40 cash with me for road expenses and always come home with change.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Truck Stop Etiquette

Say "Hello" to someone once in a while -- it just might make that person's day... and yours.

Haha.....I don't mind a hello and that but I cringe when people try to talk to me at truck stops.

I get that we are social animals by nature but I am out here for the solitude. Let me run in and **** and get back out to my truck asap. I don't really care that the guy at the restaurant said his '91 cab over Pete is the fastest truck on the interstate.

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