Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Memorial Day was designed to celebrate those who serve our country in both times of peace and war. It was created to pay respect to the dead. ... It's not appropriate to say "Happy Memorial Day," just as you wouldn't celebrate a loved one's funeral for being fun
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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I wish to thank all the fellow vets here for your service, and a safe memorial day. I wish everyone safe travels. This weather is crazy and horrific in some areas.
Can you please change the happy tittle there is nothing to be happy about this day thank you Memorial Day a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Hello all I have been doing local beer deliveries for the past 2+ years and thinking of getting my tanker endorsement. I currently drive a 48’ dry van trailer. I have been looking at companies like eagle as they are very popular in the RICHMOND,VA area but I am also interested in hauling food grade tankers but many want tanker experience. Any advice on companies to gain that tanker experience?
Come to prime I will train you on tanker
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Okay, that sounds good. All of Knight's flatbed work is a dedicated account, but Prime is more like a true flatbed job. Knight usually requires that you live within a certain proximity to their customer, so it's a little tricky getting in on their program. Turtle is a flatbed driver with Prime, along with several other members in here.
Thanks you for the information I’m looking to stay with prime
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Hey old school are you with prime inc?
No, I'm with Knight. I drive for their dedicated flatbed division. We are dedicated drivers for "Hydro" aluminum extruders - formerly called "SAPA."
Why do you ask?
I’m thinking to transfer to flatbed .
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Sung, if you're ever out of control like the driver in that video, the runaway truck ramp is your best option. What happens after that is anybody's guess, but you will have done the right thing. That's the important takeaway from this.
Hey old school are you with prime inc?
Posted: 6 years ago
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Game: What was your very first post on TT?
2 years, 4 months ago So I'm with trainer doing the dollars account it been 4 day with out a many day you go with out a shower thank you
Posted: 6 years ago
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Any good ones? Hitting the open road on the 28th and I want to make sure I'm prepared but I'm a bit strapped for cash. Already have the 2019 atlas.
Go here you can buy one Refurbished for 239 dollar or you can go to the truck stop and pay 500 for the same one here is the linck
Posted: 5 years, 8 months ago
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Happy Memorial Day
No problema happy memories day to you sir and thanks you for your service