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Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Nervous driving with my trainer!

Thanks for the advice! I appreciate it. Any advice for the confidence factor when driving? I don't feel super confident yet and it really bugs me.




Hello, I just started a truck driving program and my trainer and I aren't getting along very well. The on yard week was filled with me driving around trying to learn to do stuff on my own because he was sleeping or on his phone. I'm nervous about driving the truck because I'm new at it and I don't feel very comfortable about driving in the city with him if he doesn't care about my training. He has also already set up my cdl test for this week and I will only have 12 hours of road time by that point. How can I learn everything I need to know in 12 hours?!? Any suggestions or advice?



Bad trainers, or it seems in your case, instructor's, suck. Unfortunately they're out there, most of them just for the extra $$$. When I went through company sponsored CDL training I was there for ~4 weeks. From day 1 getting my CLP to the day I tested and got my CDL I might have had at most, 6 hours of actual road-time driving. That being said I knew going in that this was going to be a sink or swim program, pushing ~30 people a week into a program isn't smart business in my opinion, but it isn't my decision. The first day I started driving at the yard and practicing backing was the end of week 1 after I got my CLP. I don't consider myself extremely intelligent but I made it a point from the beginning to soak up as much info from each instructor at the yard that I could. That helped immensely, I sifted through all of the information they gave me(some good, some bad) and found what worked best for me. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed, take it one step at a time and if you don't feel safe with that instructor, speak up and talk to someone above them.

TL;DR - 1. Speak up to that instructor or go to the next link in the chain if they aren't instructing/helping you. 2. Focus on soaking up any information possible. 3. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed, breathe and focus on the task at hand.


Confidence comes in time. the more you drive, the better you get, the more confident you will be. Its a right of passage for most drivers. Just don't get over confident, thats when **** happens...

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Screwed up big time, think I'm done (reefer temp wrong)

Looked at the bill of lading and saw protect from heat and cold with no temp listed. When scanning in paper work I noticed they had said to set temp to 36 at the bottom.

The receiver put minus marks next to all the items on bol and signed it, they also took all the freight.

So did no one notice ? Did Jesus bless me this once? Or do the minus marks mean refused/damaged.

I assume the minus marks mean refused/damaged and sent actually check marks.

Should I snitch on myself and call my manager ? Should I hang tight and hope for the best?

The question is, was it refer ever on? Was it atleast in the low 40s? Generally if a load is temp controlled, the receiver will tell you if it's bad, at least that's been my experience in the 10 refer loads I ever hauled.

You saidn36 degrees so it's not frozen just has to be refrigerated... safe temp with food is 35-43 refrigerated. Anything above that and bacteria can start growing..

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Want to become a truck driver, but got a citation the other day for pulling onto a road that was closed. Does this disqualify me?

I pulled on to a road that I DIDN'T KNOW was closed. Cop was pulled over to the curb, but DID NOT have road blocked.

most companies allow you to have 1 or 2 within x amount of years... do the research on which company your interested in,

and read these pages.. call a couple some recruiters and explain what happened.. If it's the only ticket within 5 years , then I'd say your okay but still call and see what a recruiter says.

Good luck

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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A Husband and Wife Trucking Journey

Company Orientation Day 4 (Yesterday)

Day four was less of an orientation and rather was centered around one thing. We are now officially hired! The morning was spent simply going over the last minute details of actually being employed with the company. We were issued our company ID numbers, assigned our comdata cards, assigned to a training team, a trainer and a fleet manager.

After that was finished we met with a wellness coach. This is simply an individual contracted with an outside company that assists drivers to stay healthy and meet their personal health goals while on the road. They also assist you in insuring that you'll pass your future DOT physicals. Incidentally, they took my blood pressure again to establish a base-line. As there was nothing riding on this blood pressure test there was no stressing over it and it came out ideal for my age.

DMV Fiasco (Again!!)

I'd love to say this day was nothing but celebration and high-fives for getting hired, unfortunately that was not the case. After orientation was over we headed to the DMV to take our doubles/triples and tanker endorsements. This DMV was packed and we waited a solid twenty minutes just to get to the check-in window. Here in California you must now prove residency and citizenship with multiple documents and, thinking ahead, we brought all of that with us. As we checked in the lady asked for these documents, as well as our CDL's, and looked everything over prior to even giving us a number. She even chuckled that we were on top of things and had clearly been through this before. My wife received the lower of the two numbers and, after about a thirty minute wait, she was called to a window and went to take her tests. Then I was called. My wife received her official license a couple days prior to leaving for orientation, unfortunately, mine did not arrive and therefore I'm still operating with the paper temporary one. Needless to say they would not allow me test until I receive the hard copy, thereby making this trip to the DMV pointless as it's a both-of-us or neither-of-us situation. (It would have been really nice if the lady at check-in had mentioned that as we'd have just left!)

My wife easily passed both her tests and returned to the window. Now at this point this would have been little more than an inconvenience, that is until she was informed that her hazmat had been dropped from her license!! Hazmat is critical for us, so this was not good! They were telling her that she'd have to re-take the hazmat test in order to have it added again. While she very likely would have passed, she hadn't even looked over the information since passing the first time and was absolutely distraught at the concept she may fail. As she was unwilling to even risk the possibility they initially were going to void her application for doubles/tripes and tankers and just drop her back to hazmat only so she could leave having what she came in with. Anyhow, this literally turned into tears being shed (she's been stressed as it is and didn't need this crap at this point). Ultimately they managed to wave the need for her to test and she finally walked out having hazmat, doubles/triples and tankers. Unfortunately, as they wouldn't allow me to test for tankers, it really has no benefit at this point. Upon returning to our company we were told that the DMV was incorrect to begin with and that she never should have been required to re-take hazmat since she passed and received it so recently. Gotta love the DMV!

So we're now just hanging out waiting on our trainer at this point. As he's currently on the other side of the country were waiting on a decision for one of three options. Either he'll drive here and pick us up, he'll fly here and we'll drive a local truck back to the main terminal or we'll fly to the main terminal and meet him. We're good with any of those options and simply waiting.

I gotta say, I don't miss CA DMV... the only state where you have to show 16 forms of I'D, surrender your first born, and take every test even though you just did 1 week prior... ( I took my General, air and combo test then went back to add tanker and they made me do alll 4 again) good luck to you and the Mrs. Look forward to hearing about your training.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Rider program

I think most allow riders over the age of 10-12. If they are under 18, you need to show proof of guardianship. Otherwise anyone over 18 can ride with you.

Take a look at Trucking Company Reviews look at the companies you are interested in and go from there..

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Pilot Flying J

Happy Father's Day!

Any size (hot or cold), offer valid June 18-24.

must be that time of the year again . lol seems like every year PFJ gives fathers a free drink..

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Filling out applications

Also keep in mid, employers require 3yrs of recent job history, However DOT law requires 10 yrs of recent employment history.. so the app online might be 3 yrs but when you get to orientation they'll have you do 10yrs...

As Errol said, just be as honest as possible. If need be, and I be done it before, call previous employers and ask then for start/final dates and pay. I now have a file on Google docs with every job for the last 10yrs with dates, addresses, names supervisors, phone numbers and pay rate. I also keep DOT med card issue and expectation dates, along with licence number and expectation dates. Quick and easy and can just copy and paste it over.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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My truck is sooo slowwww....

Hey OS, does his profile picture remind you of your childhood days?

(Sorry I had to!)


Wow, that actually had me laughing for real.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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How Do Truck Drivers Deal with Insomnia?

If I start reading a book it puts me out.

if i look at a book it puts me to sleep =D lol

on the nights/days i couldnt sleep, id get out of my truck and do some kind of exercise to get my mind and body tired. Walk, brisk jog, jumping jacks..

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Ok dumb question here.

Small bungie cords help.

this right here helped me a lot when i had my cooler... I then switched to an ARB Refrigerator and never needed them.

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