Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Regional or otr, decisions decisions
I'm getting a call tomorrow from schneider to do a job match. I'm having trouble deciding on there ne regional or otr.
Otr excites me because of the opportunity to see the country , but I'm also worried that when I'm out there its gonna get old real quick!
I like the thought of regional because I'll get home every weekend. I understand I'll only be home about 34hrs.
I have a wife (no kids) and shes giving me her blessing what ever I choose.
Whats is nice about schneider is you can transfer after 6 months.
I think if I go regional I'll prob never go otr. If I do go otr I'm sure it will be a one time deal 6-12months. Then def regional or local.
thanks for listening guys
decisions decisions
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Lease operator hiring requirements same as company driver?
Gtown.. good advice bud, I have a tendency to think about things that may never happen. :)
Jaybird, the single, most important issue facing you is getting hired in the first place and getting experience. Try to take it one step at a time, cause many of those steps will be difficult, challenging and require 100% effort and attention.
Good luck.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Lease operator hiring requirements same as company driver?
Well.... if you read the whole thread I mentioned crossing that bridge would be a long time away since I have no experience.
Do you know having two 15 year old dui's will make the insurance two expensive after I have experience. or are you guessing?
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Lease operator hiring requirements same as company driver?
Ok.. i see, I was just wondering if they have the same stipulations of company driver vs lease. With my two dui's its an automatic disqulification for some companys. not sure if the same would apply with the lease program.
I suppose i would just have to ask the company when the time comes. that's still a long time away even if I want to go that route.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Lease operator hiring requirements same as company driver?
Just got my cdl and I have two DUI's ( 2000, 2002) which has eliminated my chances with several companies. I think I have found one of the big companies to hire me since they are so long ago and have a clean record since then.
My question is, if down the road I decide to go to a lease program will their regulations still apply? Or will I be considered self employed and the two DUI's over 15 years ago not matter? Will I have trouble finding insurance? Thanks guys!!
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Is company training that important??
Just passed my cdl and trying to pick a company to start with.
I'v done a ton of research and seems as tho I shouldn't expect much from a company as far as training goes. From what I have learned here, trainings like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get. :)
Theres a company close to me that does there training 2-4 weeks and your home daily. I took them off my list because I didn't feel it would be good enough training but like I said, after reading and researching seems like it may not be that bad.
should I be basing a part of my decision on the company's training or is that not that important? Thanks :)
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Hey bud! how's it going!!?? Thinking of starting my carrier with we flatbed and wondering how ya like it so far? Thanks!
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Western Express NE regional flatbed
Hey bud, wondering if you ever went with westerns flatbed ne division?
I'v been thinking of goin with them but can't seem to get a straight answer about the ne regional job. On there site now those jobs are listed as dedicated routes. When I talked to the recruiter he wasn't sure what that was. I seemed to know more then he did. He mentioned yesterday for the first time to that it may not be regional and my be otr, then proceeded to tell me if I went dry van theres plenty of freight for ne regional on that site.
I asked him to email all the info to me about flatbed and never did. They seem very disorganized and scares me a little.
They have a lot of things that I;m looking for but ever time I talked to some one there I get a bad feeling.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Thanks for the input guys! Should know by know at my age, follow your heart and everything else will work itself out! :)
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Regional or otr, decisions decisions
Thanks for the replies guys! Thanks gtown for all the info!
Talked to schneider and they have invited me to orientation ! I decided on there otr, Its 12 out 2days off, 11 out 3 off. If it acually happens that way will be another story. I am a little bummed because even tho its otr its east of mississippi , so no west coast.
I'm just happy they took me, I have two duis (2000, 2002) and this was a problem for many companys. I haven't drank in twelve years and that part of my life is so distant that I didnt relize it would be such a problem. But I do understand where there coming from.
another problem I ran into is that I was self employed (lawn cutting business) and companys wanted my tax returns. Which was fine but my taxes didn't show that I made alot which I guess made them sceptikal.
I had my heart set on being a flat bedder but most of the top flatbed companys said no. So I put my faith in god and said "where ever you want me thats where I'll go" and schneider was the first one to call!
I know I still have a long way to go but I'm excited!! Thanks guys!!