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  • Greg M.
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Posted:  1 year, 11 months ago

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May change CB/TT handle after the 1st day on the range! 🤣

I am a grease magnet. If there is some anywhere on the truck or trailer I will find a way to get it onto my clothes. My daughter got me 2 very nice hi-vis long sleeve shirts for XMAS and I have put off wearing them all winter because I don’t want to mess them up. Now it’s almost short sleeve and shorts season.

Posted:  1 year, 11 months ago

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May change CB/TT handle after the 1st day on the range! 🤣

Good "handles" are usually given to us rather than self imposed. Many of us got our handles while in training for this career. I still remember "Splitter." That was such a great handle given to a new driver who kept forgetting to flip his Splitter switch when necessary.

I just realized... most of our current new drivers don't even know what a splitter is.confused.gif

Oh well, "the times, they are a changing."



For the “splitter unaware “

Posted:  2 years, 1 month ago

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Titan Transfer Recruiting

If your attempts have been recently it could just be the holidays. Lots of places shut down from the Thursday before Christmas until yesterday or later.

Posted:  2 years, 1 month ago

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I didn't pass my skills test in Vermont

For what it’s worth don’t let failing the air brake portion of the pre-trip bother you too much. It took me 3 attempts to get past it. And I used to replace/repair brake chambers and manually adjust brakes in the days before auto slack adjusters.

First time I did not keep track of the time and hit the 30 minute mark as I was conducting the in cab portion of the test FAIL. Second time I did the entire test with both tractor and trailer brakes set. Wondered why the examiner was staring at me funny, I think he was trying to get me to notice my mistake. Third time was the charm and passed the rest of the tests with no issues.

Keep practicing your pre trip routine even though your next step is not clear yet. I had an Audi TT that had a couple of buttons that sort of looked like brake buttons. I put red and yellow stickers on them and would sit in the car and practice the air brake tests. My wife thought I was nuts.

Posted:  2 years, 1 month ago

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I didn't pass my skills test in Vermont

Since your brother has a CDL you could possibly rent a truck and trailer from someone like Ryder or Penske. Don’t know if they would rent to individuals and I’m sure it would be expensive.

Your best bet would be to find a testing facility that rents equipment. Don’t think it would have to be in Vermont.

Posted:  2 years, 1 month ago

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Do you lose your CDL and have to re-test if you let your medical card expire? Specifically Delaware

I still recommend using the Delaware website to look at your account. Ohio has a similar system and I have changed my status numerous times over the years. You log in and click a box and it's done. You could have this resolved in 10 minutes today.

Good luck.

I am going to call Tuesday when they open, would not make a bit of sense if I have to go back to a school just because of a physical.

Posted:  2 years, 1 month ago

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Do you lose your CDL and have to re-test if you let your medical card expire? Specifically Delaware

Have you created an account with the Delaware DMV and looked at your account online? Delaware sounds like my state of Ohio where you can go online and self certify. If your license still shows as a CDL just select a category that does not require a medical. That will keep your cdl intact basically indefinitely. At any point if you want to start driving again just get a physical and submit it to the DMV.


Posted:  2 years, 1 month ago

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Recent weigh station experience

I had an interesting experience a few months ago.

I had delivered in Cambridge, Ohio in the morning and dispatch told me to head west on I70 to Columbus for my back haul to Cincinnati. I decided to stop at the large rest area just east of Columbus. As I rounded the bend to enter the truck parking area I see that Ohio is having a full scale DOT blitz. There were numerous white DOT inspection SUVs, State Patrol vehicles and several Road Service venders working on trucks.

I figured slow rolling back to the highway would surely draw attention so I decided that my best plan of attack was to exude confidence. I picked a parking spot right in front of the building, got out, said “Good morning“ to one of the parked State Patrol officers and walked on into the building. Came back to my truck got myself settled and leisurely exited without drawing any attention.

Entering my 6th year as a second career driver I have only had 1 DOT interaction. During the last day of Blitz Week in 2018 I was pulled over by Indiana DOT in Indianapolis and given a Level 3 inspection. Reason for the stop was 58 in a 55. No ticket but Ryder has a zero tolerance speeding policy so I got a “stern talking to” by my manager and a RAB for Risk Associated Behavior. A friend of mine was in the office at the time an said: “ Don’t worry about it. I have a stack of those an inch thick and they still have me train drivers”

Posted:  2 years, 1 month ago

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Truck Parking Lot Help

Boat and RV storage is a great idea if it is a secure location. You may also look into renting to trucking companies as a drop lot. Check out industrial areas nearby and see if you notice a lot of equipment for different companies. Reach out to them to see if they have a need. Also contact the shipping/receiving departments for nearby companies.

I work for a small company in Ohio and we have rented drop spots all over the state. We only have a few spots at each but they seem to pretty well used.

Posted:  2 years, 2 months ago

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Question in regards to the AG Exemption

I am a little confused. It sounds like you are currently running an ELD? Are your trips normally outside a 150 mile radius? If so the exemption does not apply. You would just log the way you always do. Doing otherwise would leave gaps in your HOS as well as generating unidentified driver records on the ELD.

The purpose of the exemption is to allow companies/drivers who rarely operate outside the 150 mile radius to operate without logging, except when they exceed the 150 mile radius. It is not to allow a driver who normally operates under HOS logging requirements to take a day off from logging.

I apologize if I am mis reading the situation.

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