Profile For Kiwi303

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Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Lot Lizards.

I was at the Flying J on -40 just before Albuquerque, NM. I had just pulled in for the night, was doing my logs and as I looked up, I saw a "lizzard" get out of a truck, walk around to the next and get in, it wasn't no more than 10 min that I noticed the same one go to the next truck, get turned down and then go to the next. This women was doing the line of trucks... I couldn't believe it. Some of the things you see..

not very hygenic, sloppy seconds is one thing in an orgy when you know and trust the disease free status of everyone there... but sloppy 10ths with god only knows what the previous users are carrying?

Bring on sex droids that can be heat sterilized between users! :P

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Questions about prime leasing

I like green tea! I lived in China long enough to pick up the habit.

As to Prime Leases... just pop over to and bug Injun about Girly.

You and Pinkle aren't the only ones with a named truck :D Injun has her Girly and leases with Prime.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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What I do for fun

I thought of getting my PPL and buying a cheap microlight (Ultralight or Light Sport Aircraft to you yanks), forth hand B22 Bantams go for $6,000 and PPL is around $3,000.

It was a choice between that, a motorcycle + class 6 licence, or China and a TESOL certificate.

I ended up in China, but it was a close run thing.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Perks of being Paid to Travel.

The one time I went gambling I walked out without my money, but with a good meal that cost more than the money I lost. so I would say I'm one up on the casino :D

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Talk directly to my company of choice or no?

I think I've said it before :D If you don't ask, they can't say yes"


What's the worst they can say? "No"? How is that different from not asking?

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Truck of the future aims to drive itself

Costs $50,000 capital for parts and installation and $5,000 a year ongoings for updates and maintenance? Thats better than $5,000 capital in training and $50,000 a year ongoings for wages...

What company wouldn't get that? :P

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Boneheaded move

But if you were Leasing, you would have to pay out of pocket... the smart leasers have a maintenance reserve, which acts like the companies self-insuring scheme... It's just a matter of who pays what in the end.

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Logging Vacation Time in your logbook

All they care for here is "time since last 24 hour break"

So for today for instance the sections of the logbook would have "Date: 08/07/14 (DD/MM/YY, not MM/DD/YY)" "Date of last 24 hour break: 07/07/14" "Cumulative time: 0 hours"

That's it.

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Just a funny trucking picture to brighten your day


Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Trucking in Europe

You're competing with Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, so wages are dropping in the west like Germany, France, UK in order to stay competitive. Generally local jobs pay more since they're usually local residents with local costs, while I hear cross border reight is mostly dominated now by the easteners with lower living costs and hence happier with lower wages.

With the EU now looking to include Ukraine there will be other changes still.

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