Comments By David D. avatar
  • David D.
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Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Expunged Records - Should I Report This?

If you follow that logic what good is the expungement? Since legally the event never happened you have no duty to disclose. Now is that the practical answer, no, it's the legal answer. It just torques me off that employers expect you to obey each and every one of their rules yet they make an end run around employment law. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, but that's not the real world. The OP will have to make his own decision, I was just trying to provide food for thought.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Expunged Records - Should I Report This?

Just a little perspective on this question. It is illegal to hold your conviction against you if your record has been expunged, due to the fact that for legal purposes the event never happened. If they do in fact hold that against you, do you really want to work for them? What will they expect of you down the line?

Also the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) has determined that companies that report criminal convictions are "Consumer Reporting Agencies" just as credit bureaus are. If that is the case the under the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) if you can supply them with data that refutes their information the derogatory information must be removed. Now how well this works for criminal convictions, I don't know. I do know that it works fairly well for credit issues. I'm also pretty sure that any potential employer has to provide you with the name and address whatever Consumer Reporting Agency they used and give you a copy of the report if you ask for it. It might be worth checking out. I think the EEOC probably has a toll free number you can call.

I couldn't get the link to work but if you search for EEOC Enforcement Guidance 915.002 you should find it. If you get the PDF look on page 7. Who knows, maybe you can be the test case. Good luck.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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'Tis The Season...

Another lit up truck. For those of you who follow NASCAR real closely this is Chad Finley's family's tow truck.


Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Why don't you call a recruiter for a company you don't want to work for and ask. I know that every company is not the same but if you call 2 or 3 and get the same answer that's probably going to be the answer from almost everyone. If they differ, you know you have a issue you have to discuss up front. Just what I would do. The worst that can happen is they hang up the phone.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CB Question(s)

If you're not suppose to have one, then by all means don't put one in, I can see where they could be a distraction. As to "big booty Judy" I have run into the same sort of thing, and I either turned up the squelch or turned it off. I'm not saying to have it on constantly, but for up-to-the minute information or just a break from the radio/MP3 player they can be useful. But that's just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Swift speeding the trucks up!!

Just a perspective from a friend of mine that owns a small trucking company with her husband. She recently had a driver quit because her husband woundn't turn his truck up past 70 mph. Her comment to me was "he doesn't drive any place where the speed limit is over 70 so why should I turn his truck up?" The other comment she made was if he got in a wreck and was going 75 mph where the speed limit was 65 or 70 how would she explain to the judge/opposing lawyer why his truck was turned up to 75. The answer is "There isn't a good reason!" I know everyone hates that lawyers run the world (actually they don't, but that's a whole different post) but that's the world we live in.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CB Question(s)

I can't agree more. I have never had a CB in a truck but used to have one in a couple of vans I had. They can be invaluable when trying to negotiate traffic and see what going on ahead on the road. If you put one in a truck you should probably put an antenna on each mirror if you can. This makes the CB directional up and down the road. The mirrors just happen to be the right distance apart (102") for the antennas to work right. if you don't do that you will have a CB that only works on one side of your truck. I have seen some information from the firestick antenna people saying that the coax in the truck manufacturers are putting in is junk, but it was 20 years old. They may have upgraded, but find out. Now if the truck isn't yours I wouldn't drill any holes. Talk to someone at the company to see what you can and can't do. The most important part of your CB is the antenna(s). Don't scrimp on them. Two names I know are good are Firestik and Wilson. You also need to get the antenna/coax system tuned to your radio with an SWR meter. No they don't come pre-tuned from the factory. Back in the day I had a CB in a Plymouth Satellite everyone swore was a base, it wasn't, I just got lucky and the CB and the coax/antenna were very well matched. Normally you want your SWR to be less than 2.0 to 1. Mine was about 1.2 to 1, a very good match. There is also some good information on that you might want to read. If nothing else the CB can be very entertaining at times, or at least it used to be, it's been a long time since I had one in a vehicle.

Here's an article I found Dual Antenna Systems

And the Firestik web site tech library Firestik Library

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Why Some Are sent Home During Orientation At TMC

Something I always did when I was hiring people as to make their appointment at 8:30 in the morning to see if they could get out of bed. Fortunately I generally didn't have more than one interview per day so that was easy. You'd be amazed how may people didn't make it. It was a one strike and you're out policy unless they called. Just my way of winnowing down the field. It all gets to responsibility.

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Pre-trip Inspection Help Please

Well the good thing is with my driving record and having passed 4 or 5 federal government background checks in the last 10 years I don't have any baggage to worry about. I talked with a recruiter from Hogan today and he seems real interested. Job seems OK a regional reefer job and he said I would be out 1-2 nights a week. I pressed him pretty hard on this and he stuck to his guns so we'll see what happens. It's the only serious discussion I've had so but there will be others. As one of the articles I read on here said "don't take the first offer".

Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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CVSA Officers told not to wake truckers for random inspections

The good thing is, this now seems to define best practice, so overall it's a good thing. Now we'll see if it really happens.

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