Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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Per Diem pay for truck drivers
Here is what I got for pay. 46803 for year.
Forced per diem pay was 26680 This was my pay for 1040 tax form.
Now the per diem amount is used for social security in 2 years when I get to 65. So now after making around 44000 the last 3 years I have a big drop in this years SS income.
I believe IRS uses last 3 years to pay out SS benefits so now I have to work harder without per diem lowering my gross pay for year, to get SS benefits back up to higher pay out..
I don't like per diem, but if you're younger person it could be good.
That's all I got. Steppenwolf
Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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Thanks guys... Keep up the videos, I watch most of them. Good content.
Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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Hi all.
I took the advice to stay with my first company for 1 year...15 months to be exact.
Now I am enjoying my new company based closer to home. Out of NC. We work a 5.5 day week and have 48 off.
I got a huge pay bump and can get bonuses.
They gave me a 2020 Freightliner Cascadia with all the bells and whistles.
I am OTR driver but this company does a lot of P&D work. Almost all is drop and hook. Sweet trailers too. There is about 500 trucks in the fleet, all in pretty good shape.
Just wanted to let you guys know I have learned alot from you on TT, even though I don't post alot.
Thanks, Steppenwolf
Posted: 4 years ago
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Been in temps below 10 Have never used any additives in fuel. Just what truck stop has in their fuel. Never had any problem.
Wondered what driver's were putting in the tank... Steppenwolf
Posted: 4 years ago
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Hey man I wish I could have been training at night. Less traffic, less stress. You will be fine. Get out and look when backing in dark it is harder to see back of trailer. Take your time. Yes lots of docks are well lighted. Good luck. Steppenwolf
Posted: 4 years ago
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How Can I Make Any Money At This?
32 cpm is pretty good to start with. I only got 26 for training. Just get in there and run...more will come with time. Steppenwolf
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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80 in Iowa 1/16...Day after Blizzard
Hi all, I came through Iowa 80 on out to Denver Thursday, Friday and the road was nasty. High winds and ice in the right lane. Too many trucks and trailers in the ditch to count. I took my time with 10,500 in the box. Got blown all over Friday and Saturday but made it safely through. Monday I'll deliver and head to California. Hope the mountains are well treated. Stay safe Steppenwolf
Posted: 4 years, 2 months ago
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Happy birthday to all December birthday people.
Mine is today..63 Still a young trucker
Posted: 4 years, 2 months ago
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If the light is green keep going. Now in North Carolina they have a tire reader in the road. Will give you a red light if tires are low or tread depth look fishy... I just do what the pre pass tells me, it is the safe way to go.
Posted: 3 years, 9 months ago
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My 20 is....whats yours?
Hi Moe I here outside Dallas getting loaded. Sunny skies light breeze Have a good day Steppenwolf