This truck driver's career guide covers the role of recruiters in the trucking industry, what questions to ask them, and how to contact them. It also provides tips for getting recruiters to answer questions and provides advice on getting promises in writing.
This truck driver's career guide covers the pros and cons of private and company-sponsored CDL training. Learn the differences between the two, and get pre-hire letters and tuition reimbursement information to help you decide which option is best for you.
Company-sponsored CDL training is an agreement between a trucking company and a driver, where the company pays for the driver's CDL schooling and on-the-road training in exchange for a commitment to drive for them for a specific amount of time or miles. Learn about the length and intensity of training, hiring and operating areas, and obligations to the company.
This page covers the topics of getting your CDL without attending school or a company-sponsored program. It provides an overview of the requirements, the benefits, and the potential drawbacks. It also provides advice on how to find a job in the trucking industry if you do not attend a school or company-sponsored program.
This page covers the various opportunities available to military veterans and their dependents for CDL training and job placement. This includes the GI Bill, FMCSA Skills Test Waiver, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment services, VA Apprenticeship/On-The-Job-Training Program, and the U.S Chamber of Commerce initiative. It also covers the Hiring Our Heroes program.
This article covers the requirements for private CDL schools, including tuition reimbursement and minimum training standards. It also provides information on how to choose the right school and how to pay for it.