Hi John....I say keep after Tammy, she was my recruiter also and sometimes kind of hard to get a hold of but she can work magic and get things pushed through...She probably has several 100 app's in front of her now as we are gearing up for the Spring Hiring Blitz but that's still not an excuse to not respond in a timely manner...!
Ken C.
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I called PRIME about three weeks ago and talked to a Tammy Silk. I have no record of any kind and have been self employed for my entire professional life. (I'm 45yo) Tammy had me fill out the application and then immediately emailed me to call her. I called her and answered some very simple questions concerning my self employment and said that I would more than likely be approved the next day. I received an email from her the next day needing an explanation of some extra salary on my tax return. I responded and that is the last I've heard from her, I have called, left messages and sent an email. Is this normal practice? I think that is very unprofessional. I have read a lot of folks call and get different recruiters but I am hesitant to do that as I'm sure they all know each other and I don't want to make myself to be "one of those guys" I don't know maybe I'm wrong. I'm just trying to keep it all professional and I appreciate any and all advise. This site is amazing and has help me a great deal, I've started the testing on here and wow its a lot but I'm paying attention to all you seasoned guys wisdom! Thanks again!
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