Pointing And Yelling At Things Reduces Workplace Accidents - Japan

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The Highlight Reel's Comment
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Pointing and Calling Japanese Safety Standard at Railway Companies & Toyota

Pointing-And-Calling standard is a safety standard used in Japan by railway companies and industry as for example Toyota.

Sometimes when you're performing a task that you've done a million times, whose steps you can recite in your sleep, you suddenly realize that you've payed no attention to the last few moments, as you were daydreaming about puppies or tacos or a day on the beach, or something. Generally letting your mind wander over something that may have become mundane. Any act that we repeatedly perform can sometimes lull us into a certain complacency when we're simply running through a checklist, big or small, inside of our own heads. We are all human, and it happens to the best of us.

The Japanese have been using a method for reducing mistakes on the job involving pointing at an object, and confirming its compliance or function, or at least its existence, out loud. They've deployed it across their national rail system, and companies like Toyota have picked up on it, as well. This is part of their "Zero-accident Campaign", whose theory states that:

"Each and every individual human being is irreplaceable. Nobody deserves to get injured or die. The basis of the Zero-accident Campaign is for all workers to take steps on preemptive action for safety and health issues so that nobody on the worksite gets injured. The Zero-accident Campaign aims for zero accidents in the workplace."

The act of "pointing and calling" helps to bring the activity "out of your head" and into an actual realm of worldly existence, requiring that you physically pay closer attention to whatever it is you are doing. In other words, it creates an increased awareness through physical reinforcement. A 1994 study by the Japan Railway Technical Research Institute found that human errors were reduced by 85% when a task was accompanied by both pointing and calling, as opposed to doing neither.


A more scientifically-detailed explanation of Finger Pointing and Calling (FPC, yes it really has a name) can be found at the link below:

Finger-Pointing to Reduce Accidents - Research using body sensors suggests gesturing may increase driver attention.

The idea has never been implemented on a wide scale in the West, however, and one theory suggest that English and U.S. workers are just too self-conscious to be pointing and yelling at things in public, and would feel "silly". Hard to believe given the cultural norms in Japan regarding humility and not calling an undue amount of attention to oneself. Our take is that you do what needs to be done to get the job done safely, and dance like there's nobody watching.

Either way, you can see how a system like this could be applied in many different ways, driving a truck or otherwise. Many of us already do it, though sometimes probably subconsciously, talking to the traffic around us, or the ingredients for the cake we're baking, or the cabinet we're building, or running through driving directions when we don't have a GPS lady ordering us around.

External Links:

Why Japan’s Rail Workers Can’t Stop Pointing at Things

Concept of “Zero-accident Total Participation Campaign”


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
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