Embarrassing Question.. LOL... I Pee A LOT

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Cynthia L.'s Comment
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OK, We're all ladies here.. so - I am post-menopausal and I have found that I need to pee a LOT, and when I get the urge, sometimes it is a 'right now' kind of thing; and I am wondering if lady truckers have some 'in-truck' ways to take care of this so we don't have to keep stopping to pee? I am aware of the kegel exercises, but that hasn't seemed to help a whole lot yet. Any comments would be appreciated :)

When I drove a truck with my hubby I'd take along a can with a lid but that was way back in the 70's. My doctor once told me to stop wearing jeans all the time because your bottom needs to breath, lol, and jeans hold in heat from sitting all the time. Leggings and long skirts work if your legs need shaving and you can't wear shorts.

Dorian A.'s Comment
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OK, We're all ladies here.. so - I am post-menopausal and I have found that I need to pee a LOT, and when I get the urge, sometimes it is a 'right now' kind of thing; and I am wondering if lady truckers have some 'in-truck' ways to take care of this so we don't have to keep stopping to pee? I am aware of the kegel exercises, but that hasn't seemed to help a whole lot yet. Any comments would be appreciated :)


When I drove a truck with my hubby I'd take along a can with a lid but that was way back in the 70's. My doctor once told me to stop wearing jeans all the time because your bottom needs to breath, lol, and jeans hold in heat from sitting all the time. Leggings and long skirts work if your legs need shaving and you can't wear shorts.

Thanks for all the tidbits- I am glad I had asked about this as I have learned a lot, and will put it all to good use when the time comes! Thanks to everyone who posted back!

Lucille U.'s Comment
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OK, We're all ladies here.. so - I am post-menopausal and I have found that I need to pee a LOT, and when I get the urge, sometimes it is a 'right now' kind of thing; and I am wondering if lady truckers have some 'in-truck' ways to take care of this so we don't have to keep stopping to pee? I am aware of the kegel exercises, but that hasn't seemed to help a whole lot yet. Any comments would be appreciated :)


When I drove a truck with my hubby I'd take along a can with a lid but that was way back in the 70's. My doctor once told me to stop wearing jeans all the time because your bottom needs to breath, lol, and jeans hold in heat from sitting all the time. Leggings and long skirts work if your legs need shaving and you can't wear shorts.

Can with a lid is a good idea. I peed into a jug with a funnel when I was on the truck with my husband, that was pretty handy.

RedGator (Nalee)'s Comment
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Disposable fast food cups and empty bottles. Easy peesy

Starcar's Comment
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Redgator.....REALLY ?????? EASY P E E S Y ?????? rofl-3.gifrofl-1.gifrofl-2.gifrofl-3.gifrofl-1.gifrofl-2.gifrofl-3.gifrofl-1.gifrofl-2.gif

RedGator (Nalee)'s Comment
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smile.gif Ya know it!

Mistelle's Comment
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The apple cider vinegar is key for keeping your bladder and kidneys healthy and clean....but the orange juice is not your friend...try to use cranberry or a mix. but hi citric juices burn the lining of the kidneys, and tend to irritate the bladder...thats why they are always pushing apple juice in your face when your in the hospital...lol

I didn't know that. We do drink cranberry juice but that's because it tastes good. I didn't know why they always tried to get me to drink apple juice. That does make sense but I can't stand the stuff. My mom forced it down me EVERY time I got sick. Now I smell apple juice and feel sick.


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Starcar's Comment
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Apple cider vinegar doesn't taste like apples...it tastes like vinegar....its the properties of the apples that work on urinary tract issues...So give it a try....you'll be surprised...

Jopa's Comment
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Can men post here? I just wanted to say when I was an appraiser I could hardly get from point A to point B without having to STOP RIGHT NOW and answer the call . . . turned out I had diabetes and didn't know it. A simple blood sugar test will rule that out ot in . . . better off knowing ASAP if that's the cause of having to pee more often than before . . .




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The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.


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Dorian A.'s Comment
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Can men post here? I just wanted to say when I was an appraiser I could hardly get from point A to point B without having to STOP RIGHT NOW and answer the call . . . turned out I had diabetes and didn't know it. A simple blood sugar test will rule that out ot in . . . better off knowing ASAP if that's the cause of having to pee more often than before . . .



Thank you, Jopa! I have heard that from a couple people too- the possibility of diabetes. I do get tired a lot especially after meals, so I will have to check that out for sure. I really appreciate everyone that has replied here :) Thanks to all!


Substance Abuse Professional

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.


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