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  • Scott D
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Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Sorry, I should clarify my earlier response - those three companies will train husband/wife teams on the same truck. Teams that are not husband/wife should contact the companies for information on the training together. My apologies for the not thorough response earlier.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Are you looking to train together on the same truck? Covenant, Werner, Schneider will train teams together. Other companies will send you out on different trucks, then when done with your training hours, will get you back together and send you out as a team.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Trucker Paralyzed By Accident While Unhitching Trailer

Thanks for the response Raz. The low experience time for a trainer sounds a little disconcerting.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Trucker Paralyzed By Accident While Unhitching Trailer

Hey Miracle, we are looking seriously at Werner and their team training program. How do you like Werner? Do you know anything first-hand about that program? Do you know anything second-hand about that program? Thanks in advance.

Scott and Maggie

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Ohio temp permit laws

Hey Doug, my wife and I are in CDL school in Hamilton, OH. When you go to take your "written" test for your permit, you go to the BMV testing station in your county (or your area if you are closer to a testing station in another county). You have to pass the General Knowledge test before you can take any others. After passing General Knowledge you take Air Brakes. After passing Air Brakes you then take Combination Vehicles. After passing all three you can take the other endorsement tests (tankers, doubles/triples, HazMat. You can even take school bus and passenger if you want). The BMV has your pass/fail results in the computer. Make sure to request a print out of what tests you have passed if they don't automatically give it to you, for your records. Of course you only need to have passed GK, AB, and Combos to get your permit.

Now let's say you pass every test except one of the endorsements (we'll use Tankers for example). You can still go get your temps, or plastic as they are referred to around here. You just go to the section of the BMV that issues the license (it looks just like your Operator's license but says "Temp Instr Permit ID" up top), pay your money and get going. Do not "turn in" your Operator's license though - you still need that.

Now let's say you take and pass that elusive tanker test, if you go back to the BMV license place and want that added to your Temp permit, you will have to pay again for the license (what a racket), as they add the endorsement/update your license and have to print you out another one. But, if you pass the tanker test BEFORE you go to the license place and get your temps, you only pay once (you have some time after you pass the tests to actually go get your temps).

So now let's say you paid for your temps and then go and pass the last elusive endorsement test but don't want to pay another $27 to add that endorsement to your temps. No worries. When you pass the pre-trip, maneuvers, and road test you have to go pay the state again for your official CDL-A, so then the last endorsement will be put on your license at that time.

Clear as mud?

So, you pay every time you get your license. However, each "written" test is free to take. I say "written" because they are actually done on a computer. And it's pretty cool because you get instant feedback on each question - it tells you whether your answer was correct or wrong. If wrong it tells you what the correct answer was. It also keeps a count on how many you have correct and wrong so you know how close you are to passing or failing. And once you have answered enough questions to pass, the test is over.

I hope this helps. You may have already known all of this. If so, sorry. Just wanted to share because we just went through this in the same state (hope I didn't come across as a know-it-all).

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Four Killed After Semi Crashes Into College Softball Team's Bus

And so many people have posted here about wanting to fight for their "right" to use marijuana.....

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Husband Wife Team Driving Help!

No new info, sorry. Had to put the process on hold for a few weeks - my mother (with whom we were staying) passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly on Fri Oct 30. The school we are at was very understanding and advised us to come back when we are ready to complete the course and they will reschedule our tests when we're back up to speed. If I may pontificate to anyone reading this, loved ones can leave us in a heartbeat - make sure your loved ones know how much you love them - you may not get another chance. When we're back up and running we'll fill you in on what more we find out. If you find out any info, especially if it's contrary to what we've heard so far, please let us know as well. Thanks

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Husband Wife Team Driving Help!

Ok, spoke with Schneider and, according to the recruiter, they do train teams together. A very short training period though. He said eighteen straight days of training total including orientation, paperwork, simulator training, etc. Maybe only 8-10 days on the road. Trainer stays in hotel at night (unless he doesn't want to leave his truck in your hands overnight while he is in the hotel), trainer is not part of the team (not bunked out while newbies are driving). Recruiter said we would train out of Indianapolis (assuming because we are in Cincinnati). They have a dedicated run for Amazon out of northern Kentucky to MD and NJ that they are currently hiring teams for. OTR has a sign-on bonus, the Amazon account does not.

We are pre-hired at Werner at the moment, applying to Schneider this week. Will relay any more info if I get it.

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Red light? What red light???

Isn't that a red light camera on top of it?

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Owning your mistakes

Just get a large, Farva.

I don't want a large Farva, I want a liter of cola.

Do we have liter-a-cola?

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