Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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V&S Midwest Carriers info anyone?
I have to agree with old school on that thought..
I have taken every challenge my career has thrown at me.. Back in the day even crossed Mexico a few times.. Up to The very cold Winters of Yellowknife in the NW Territories of Canada.. Every Big city to small back road out there.. IF you do proper Preplanning and have faith in your abilities you can make out just fine anywhere..
As far as V&S I have seen them in our loops here in Midwest.. If you are interested in them and have an idea of the area you want to be in, then I suggest you contact them and ask them "what lanes they operate".. They should let ya know..
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Follow up.. Today everything with Tenstreet has been running smooth for us.. No note saying it was fixed or they are caught up.. But been working great on our end today..
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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V&S Midwest Carriers info anyone?
Company I am currently with is out of St. Louis, and we run most all Midwest to to Northwest.. We go up into WI and V&S comes down this way.. Have seen them out in UT and CO at times also..
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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V&S Midwest Carriers info anyone?
I think they are the same company that runs some of the same circles mine does.. I'm not that familiar with them tho.. They seem to have nice equipment, and there web page looks nice.. Is this the same company you are talking about?
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Towels, hand towels, soap, shampoo, wipes, deodorant, mouthwash, toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, cough drops, sanitizer, Bengay, Band-Aids, aspirin, Tylenol, Q-tips, ear plugs, eyemask, melatonin, hat, gloves, neck gaiter, relevant documents, reading material, Tums, Kleenex, Atlas, Truck Stop guide, quarter bag for laundry, markers, pens, highlighter, pencil, sunglasses, flashlight, I still need boots
I suggest 2 major things that have saved my life twice on the road..
1 and most important is 2 fat candles.. During winter if stuck in snow and cold and APU or truck is out, you can use to keep warm.. They can keep a cab warm, just remember to crack a window a bit to allow fresh air in..
2nd would be a good Sleeping bag.. Can serve as an extra form of warmth in winter, and also if there is an issue with truck and get put in a slip truck long enough till yours is fix..
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Securing Dry Van Load - Question
I’ve got to question how strong the walls are on a dry van. Was loading skidded aluminum coils the other day next to a dry van getting loaded with the same. I had friction mats, trip chains, straps, the whole nine yards. He just shut his doors and left. Will those walls actually stop a sliding coil?
Was years ago, but I hauled some big paper roles through the TN-NC I-40 corridor.. They Nailed boards as chalks in the floors to hold them.. They did not get one down very good and around a curve I felt it give and made a loud boom.. I slowed and stopped, and called my company who asked me to get on through the gorge with them and to just take it easy as possible.. Back in those days you did what you could.. I got through the curves and on to NC.. Both sides of the trailer was bowed out, when I got to customer.I have hauled ugly loads over the years.. And Secured many ways.. I never ran flat bed.. But that was the only time I ever had trouble running coils, rolls, of any kind.
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Change Of Job and need help changing email here
Was updating my profile, as I am changing companies in another week.. Was offered a good bit to go to a company that my current company pulls for.. Anyways, I Use a company email for TruckingTruth log in.. I am sure I will be loosing that email account when I leave.. Been trying to figure out how to change the email to my regular one.. So I do not loose the information and posts that I have been doing here.. Can someone help with this?
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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My Nephew and I Both left Oregon heading east.. I checked weather conditions and made the choice to head up through Montana during that storm.. He did not.. Luckily he arrived late to that party and was just stuck in the jam for a few days.. I missed it all together.. Brett Aquila is right tho.. Having a CB and turned on low could of prevented the Chain reaction that proceeded after the initial accident.. Pile up like these are becoming more regular in this industry.. 30 pile up in Indiana, Big one in Baltimore.. Distracted driving is the biggest culprit.. Put the cell phone down..
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Schneider "Zero (mishap) Tolerance" - Really?
I hope you guys can see the folly of all this heavy research you do. It's not so much that research is bad in itself, but it's that the sources where you go to get it are so pathetic when it comes to providing accurate and helpful information. Most of them count on the old misery loves company form of entertainment to attract traffic. That is a really poor business model if you want to help people succeed at this career. You have to wonder, "What is their motive?"
It's the old news format of Bad news is good news and equal ratings.. Kinda same idea in trucking.. Bad stuff, gets people talking Equal more traffic of drivers checking them out..
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Best spot to mount your GPS?
I am not sure what kind you may have.. I would shy away from relying on a GPS as much as possible.. Unless it is a Rand McNally one.. And I would invest in a laminated Rand McNally map from your local Truck stop.. The Shortest distance from point A to B is a Straight line.. Using a real map and ruler will show you best routes to take.. Also Rand McNally real maps show you restricted routes, Low bridges, weight restrictions etc etc.. They are truly the best for truckers in this industry.. They do now have there own GPS system.. My company uses them for dispatching and such also.. The GPS part works pretty good and still shows restrictions and such..
As far as your question about where to mount.. On windshield top left to bottom or center bottom works well.. Some use the steel ball Magnet type and place on dash to the right.. These are all good areas for devices.. I suggest do not place on vents, they eventually break..