I am a soft sci/fantasy reader..and a voracious read at that. I finally broke down and bought a kindle fire, since finding the kinds of books I read is really hard out in the sticks, where I live. With the kindle, I have alot of free books on Amazon, and even if I buy one, its usually $1 or so. And I can do everything on it that I can do on a laptop, pretty much. so its easy to carry in the truck, where as packin' a buncha books is a major pain. TSB reads westerns, and I got him a Kindle, just for reading. I download tons of books for him to read, and he loves it.
I have my fave selections like I said paranormal stuff. Vampires, zombies, werewolves, witches. Stuff like that. Teen stuff. I know I am 34 but they get my imagination working. I like to read alot of different stuff tho.
Pebbles I love the house of night series:) I'm typically a romantic comedy or vampire reader. Used to be big into mysteries too but its been awhile. I also have a kindle fire starcar:) I love it!
I just finished hidden, i am waiting for Nepheretts book. I want a kindle accually I need one.
I love my Kindle Fire, too. I can check out e audio books from my library and connect to the speakers in truck/car to listen. Since it's electronic when the lending time is up there is nothing to return. Or I can buy it like Star says. For an $8/mo fee on Netflix I can stream movies on it over an internet connection. Which I set up on my phone, a Samsung Galaxy 2. I use Virgin Mobile as my service provider, bought the phone outright for $275. There's no contract and for $60/mo have unlimited calls, text, internet & data at 3G/4G speeds. And it runs Android O/S. Gotta love it!
OK Em...ya lost me in all that tecky stuff...but its neat that you can get WIFI over your phone to your kindle!!! I'm a slave to my laptop...lol. When I'm in the truck, I do the Netflix thing. But TSB is electronically challenged, and if he wants to watch a movie while I'm driving, I have to park and set it up for him, then get back to driving...silly man.
I want to have the phone situation figured out myself before I leave for Central, I don't know much about it either as far as the tecky side, but I can do somethings, lol. Going to get my daughter and son in law to give me a crash course! I can't wait to get started, if I can get over the fear of not passing the class and being sent home, I have fretted over that more than anything! I am way way over thinking it!
Kathy, you need to stand up tall, bow your neck, and go into that school like your the best thing they have seen in years. Its all about confidence...thats confidence in YOURSELF,,,,,confidence in the fact that your a WOMAN, and we're used to having to do more to show we're capable. Confidence in your past experiences, that will help you thru it. Confidence in what you have studied here on the High Road....it gets you way ahead of anyone else in that class....
Kathy, you need to stand up tall, bow your neck, and go into that school like your the best thing they have seen in years. Its all about confidence...thats confidence in YOURSELF,,,,,confidence in the fact that your a WOMAN, and we're used to having to do more to show we're capable. Confidence in your past experiences, that will help you thru it. Confidence in what you have studied here on the High Road....it gets you way ahead of anyone else in that class....
Thanks Star for the pep talk, Lord knows I can sure use it right about now! I am excited and look forward to this new life style and adventure. I know there will be good days, bad days, and days you just want to get through, but I am ready for the challenge and face whatever fears surface. I am sure this will make me a more secure, self confident (which I am not, but most people think I am), and self assured!
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What kind of books do you like to read? Most of the time it just depends on what kind of mood I am in. My favorite is paranormal fiction, paranormal romance. Currently I am into the House of night books. I do like the Gray books
I have a habit of getting into a book and cant put it down it over way to fast. I am also a speed readerI cant help that I tryed to slow down plenty of times it dont work. So what kinds of books do you like and what are you reading currently?