Welcome aboard. Read Daniel B and guyjaz and starcar and OMG ALL OF THEM on here are the sheeeeeeet of the industry. AKA whiners go elsewhere.... Good luck and may the wind always be at your back
Thanks friend I appreciate that :) Good luck to you as well. Its been awesome reading some of the experienced truckers posts on here. Sure hoping with alot of dedication and hard work I will be one of them some day.
Oh ya and no whining here lol. I was raised on working hard and earning what you want, no exuses or complaining, just getting the job done whatever it takes.
I have a few questions, ive been reading some recents posts and theres something that's making me nervous. Im 26 years old, but this is my dream job and ive never wanted anything as bad as this. I hope my age wont be considered to young?
Absolutely NOT. Minimum age for Interstate is 21, Intrastate is 18. I'd be just slightly more concerned with the misdemeanor, however, it will probably be a non-issue.
Commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the Federal Department Of Transportation (DOT).
I have a few questions, ive been reading some recents posts and theres something that's making me nervous. Im 26 years old, but this is my dream job and ive never wanted anything as bad as this. I hope my age wont be considered to young?
Absolutely NOT. Minimum age for Interstate is 21, Intrastate is 18. I'd be just slightly more concerned with the misdemeanor, however, it will probably be a non-issue.
sweet good to hear. So far my misdemeanor has been a roadblock, so im just trying to find a company that will give me a chance.
Commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the Federal Department Of Transportation (DOT).
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I have been lurking for awhile now, studying the high road training program and getting everything ready to roll on my new career. Im super excited to get going and im really looking forward to the challenge. Thank you guys for the positive attitude and honesty. I have great scores in the high road program and ive learned so much, also bought brets book and have read thru it several times already lol. Its awesome! Applying with Prime tomorrow after I take my permit test, so wish me luck lol
. I have one speeding ticket from 6 years ago and one misdemeanor from awhile ago, when I was young and didn't know better. Im really praying this wont stop them from accepting me, I have all my records for the dates and I will be totally honest and open about all of it. I have a few questions, ive been reading some recents posts and theres something that's making me nervous. Im 26 years old, but this is my dream job and ive never wanted anything as bad as this. I am a hard worker and willing to learn and do whatever it takes. I hope my age wont be considered to young? Thanks everyone, sorry about the long post haha.