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  • Tracy W.
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Posted:  9 years, 12 months ago

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Companies That Run All 48

I recently spoke with a company regarding their routes and they told me even though they run all 48, because I'm from Upstate NY, that they would only run me east of I-35 and for the most part only down the east coast. Without going into too much detail, one of the reasons I got into trucking was the possibility of running all 48 when I could. I'm not saying that's all I what I want to do for the rest of my life, but that's how I feel now. So, here's my question: Can anyone make a list of 4 - 5 reputable companies that run all 48 consistently and hire newbie drivers? That would be very helpful. Thanks. -Terry T

Watkins Shepard runs all 48 and hires new drivers. I was in 42 states in my first 6 months. We have a terminal in Sayreville, New Jersey that should be able to be your home terminal. I really like the company, treats me right and pays well.


Posted:  9 years, 12 months ago

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Dont Mean To Brag But....




Bet yer lovin the heck out of the HIGH ROAD TRAINING PROGRAM - aren't you...




Yup i owe it all to God, Brett and all the mods here on the website


That put a smile on my face. Not because I was included, but because what you listed first. In all my years on TT, I've never seen anyone say that. Good job, and keep the faith!

I'm 100% with you. Listed in exactly the right order. I owe my daily success and not hitting anyone to the Lord. Good job!


Posted:  10 years ago

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I wear glasses - can I be a truck driver?


I also read somewhere that you are required to have atleast 2 pairs in truck, in case anything happens to 1 pair you'll have backup


That crossed my mind - that would be a good idea.

Yes, do that. In fact, get a pair of prescription Sunglasses also, and keep a copy of your prescription with you so you can hit a one hour eyeglass place on the road if need be.

If you are an old guy like me, you'd be out of service without your glasses.


Posted:  10 years ago

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Congratulations! One of the things you will need out there is the ability to back into stupidly tight spaces. Get all the practice in a safe environment you can.

When you get out there driving, get out and look as many times as it takes, no matter who is looking, commenting, blaring their horns, etc. Getting safely backed into the dock is much more important than looking cool. When you think you have it down cold and don't need to get out and look is when you will make a mistake. I've seen it in docks and truck stops.


Posted:  10 years ago

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Semitruck Brands

I...#4 International and the last thing he told me was never drive a Volvo if you can help it !!

My company has about 700 Volvos, having sold off most of the older trucks. The exceptions are we are still running some International machines, and although they have more room than most of the other trucks, they have a lot of electrical problems. They just purchased some Freightliners, not many miles on them as yet.

The Volvos have had excellent reliability, they do not ride as nice as some of the longer wheelbase trucks, but trust me, if you get into tight turn/backup situations as we constantly do, nobody beats the Volvo turning radius.

I went from a Freightliner to a Volvo and the space was smaller, but I found I didn't need the crap I was hauling around with me that I got rid of. My last Volvo had a Cummins, which I didn't want to give up, but the new Volvo engine is pretty nice. That being said, the Volvo tractor is still heavier than the Freightliner I had.

I still really like my Volvo, despite what some say, which I suspect is mostly sour grapes. The amenities are great, and I have no desire to give it up. I had a driver tell me it wasn't a 'real' truck, but I can pull a heavier load up a grade faster than he can.

As was said, it is probably the 'Chevy/Ford/Dodge' syndrome for the most part. I sure like my Volvo though.


Posted:  10 years ago

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How can I be happy trucking when I get really lonely on the road and hate being away from home?

The companies doing short haul in my area (Conway, DTS, etc) typically require a year or two on the road before they will hire you. If you do OTR for a year, you may be able to get on with them.

The other option, at least in my area, is tankers. There are three refineries near by, and lots of tankers running the area. Those are usually short line and are ALWAYS looking for drivers, at least in this area. Another option, albeit dangerous, is log truck driving if any of that activity is going on in your area.


Posted:  10 years ago

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TND 720 Update Problems

I just did the update...thanks to you folks alerting me that there was one. I had just about given up hope.

Plugged in, did the system update first, then the map. Finished perfectly, just took quite a long time.


Posted:  10 years ago

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Speed and money

This is basic math and common sense. These guys saying no are wrong. Im on my way to Washington state from new york. 2700 mile trip. Now you tell me if I make more money in a faster or slower truck.

Hmm ... I don't usually do negative comments, but it's interesting that you say we are wrong, based on your years and years of experience. You probably need to get a few more miles under your belt before you make a blanket statement like that. I think you will find after you have made a few trips around the country your opinion will change.


Posted:  10 years ago

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Applying to 2 companies

Ryan, Give my company a call. It's Watkins Shepard, based in Missoula, MT but we have a terminal in Dalton, GA. We run a LOT of carpet out of the Dalton terminal. Recruiter number is 800-392-2470. You can send me an email and we can set up a phone call so I can answer questions you might have. If you do call them, give them my name....there is a bonus I get if you sign up.



Posted:  10 years ago

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Been driving about 20 months now. My first two trucks with this company were manuals. First was an '07 Freightliner with a ten speed, second was an '09 Volvo with a 9 speed. I really loved the second truck and when the company told me I was due for a brand new truck with an automatic (they updated the whole fleet) I fought it and found lots of reasons not to get back to the main terminal where my new truck was waiting.

Eventually, I got caught and ended up swapping trucks. Now, you couldn't pry me out of this truck for anything. It's a 2015 Volvo, Volvo D13 engine and lots of nice cab and sleeper features. The automatic does a fantastic job, driving in cities like L.A., Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, etc are so much easier. The Jake brake has an automatic setting also, and once you learn to use it, it really is easy. The transmission is really a 12 speed manual, with an air actuated clutch and air actuated shifter, both computer operated. You can override it with buttons on the shifter but the computer really does a good job of managing performance for maximum fuel mileage.

My opinion is the industry will be mostly automatic in the next 5-10 years. There will always be some applications for manuals, and some drivers will just continue to demand it, either from ego or obstinacy.


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