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CT Trucker 's Comment
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Have about 5 classes till my Tractor trailer test and for weeks I've been struggling with my alley dock and then it finally clicked last night, I did about 8 yesterday for practice and got 5 in, I was very excited and felt like a big weight has been lifted from my shoulder. I have talked to a lot of drivers about pointers on it and every one of them said " You have to feel the truck and eventually it will click for you". And for the drivers who are struggling with this maneuver,It is very frustrating in the beginning but stay focused and practice I promise it will come to you like it did for me.


Carter's Comment
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Arejay (RJ)'s Comment
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congratulations dog animated gif

Errol V.'s Comment
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EXACTAMENTO, Mr Attack! Leaning those backing maneuvers is as frustrating as all get-out. But, a few weeks with my trainer, it had all come together. Backing is not yet "a piece of cake". But it's getting to be a couple of cookies now.


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Tracy W.'s Comment
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Congratulations! One of the things you will need out there is the ability to back into stupidly tight spaces. Get all the practice in a safe environment you can.

When you get out there driving, get out and look as many times as it takes, no matter who is looking, commenting, blaring their horns, etc. Getting safely backed into the dock is much more important than looking cool. When you think you have it down cold and don't need to get out and look is when you will make a mistake. I've seen it in docks and truck stops.


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