Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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I have the best fleet manager ever.
Way cool. Good on ya. This is exactly the work ethic I hope to bring with me.
For example. Yesterday I was asked to work night shift tonight. I smiled and said I'd be glade to help cover. But then I got up this am and noticed overnight freeze and snow. I screamed into work and got everything deiced without being asked.
My boss saw me at work this am knowing I didn't have to be there and just shook his head and said "now that's dependability"
But then on the other hand we shall see what they say when I give my notice to go drive truck
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Thanks for posting this stuff. You would not believe what a great visual learning tool it is to actually see whats being talked about in what we are to be looking for. Can't remember if it was you or not that posted the snapped springs...That was awesome too. Can't forget stuff like this. Thanks again.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Winter driving tips for new drivers?
This comment.......
stressing out so much that I’m losing sleep in my bunk thinking about quitting.
Come on now. All you have gone through to get where you are today???? Did you not think you would drive slick when prepping and doing all that training?
You've made it this far. Piece of cake. This is exactly why I chose winter for academy training here in the northwest.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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" if I some how survive the weekend. I just want to die...nothing...nothing has worked out for the past year since I unexpectedly lost my job. I am so distraught, I do not know what to do...its all hopeless now. Its like a curse."
This comment by George Z. has me a bit concerned. I have worked with a few folks in this condition and it's nothing that should be taken for granted. I've witnessed the bad results of people like this not getting help. The last place that dude needs to be is behind the wheel of a big rig.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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N00b Questions You (Probably) Have But Were Afraid To Ask!
G-Town I know the weight of the fuel (the high road says to figure 8lbs per gal) but I was more interested in how often you guys actually weigh fuel added per lbs on your steers. Basically are you loaded that close as to be overweight on you steers sometimes adding fuel?
Jim asks:
How often do you drivers weigh your fuel. That's where I'm at in the High Road training and made me curious.
6.943 lbs per gallon.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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N00b Questions You (Probably) Have But Were Afraid To Ask!
How often do you drivers weigh your fuel. That's where I'm at in the High Road training and made me curious.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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How early is to early to start applying
I've been doing that for a few months now with SWIFT. They just make you resend your ap every month. Monday I will get my official start date for January.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Turned down for company paid CDL program
Now that right there is a brilliant statement. Going to remember that one.
Congratulations Curt!
Remember all this as you begin your new career. Tenacity and persistence are important attributes for professional drivers. Just try to never get those two qualities confused with stubbornness. Their is a distinction there that many truck drivers overlook.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Swift Charlotte
Hey Bryan, That's funny, Wendy is my recruiter also. I've been in contact with her for a few months now. She's set me up for the 3rd in Lewiston, Id. They won't do anything as far as background check until that 2 week prior mark. Tell her Jim F. says hi. She seems pretty straight forward. Good luck to ya.