Unless you want to freeze to death that one time you go over a mountain pass and it starts snowing and you have to chain up...bring a winter coat.
When you get your own truck eventually, always always be prepared for anything.
Operating While Intoxicated
And you'll need ear plugs.
Why the ear plugs?
And you'll need ear plugs.
Ear plugs or ear muffs?
Reefers are very loud.
A refrigerated trailer.
Reefers are very loud.
Ahhh...makes sense now...lol
For the record, I'll be bringing ear plugs with me for whomever is "lucky" enough to room with me...I'm told I snore rather loudly...lol
A refrigerated trailer.
Reefers are very loud.
Eh, I sleep just fine with my reefer running. Now, if I get stuck somewhere, it gets horribly cold, and I need to bed down in the trailer with the frozen beef to keep from freezing to death, then those earplugs might come in handy.
A refrigerated trailer.
Bring a heavy coat. I know much of the Midwest gets really cold and if your trainer goes west you will really need it in the mountains. Just cause your in the cab means nothing. You may have to chain as well of your trainer goes west, so yes pack a heavy coat.
In my opinion you definitely want a heavy coat, hat, gloves, and some sort of boots, even work boots are fine. Although in this day and age it's highly unlikely you'll ever get in a spot where you'd have to walk to safety or get stuck in a truck without heat for quite a long time, but it can happen.
But that stuff will come in handy for more common scenarios like that long walk into the truck stop or fueling up. When you're on I-80 in Wyoming with 50 mph winds and the temp is hovering around zero you'll be glad for the warmer stuff.
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Greetings all... I'm headed to Springfield to start my new career with Prime this Saturday night. I'll be starting with the refer division once I get past all the training. I realize I'll be all over this great land of ours during the upcoming winter months. My question is, just how much true winter clothing will I really need? Since I'll be limited as to what I can bring for training, especially while with my trainer, do I really need to pack a heavy winter coat? I know how to dress in layers, I realize most of my time will be in the cab, and quite frankly I love this time of year. I have various layers I can wear, as well as a lined hooded, zip up "jacket" ( more like a sweat shirt with a lining). If those of you with more experience say I will need a heavy coat, then I'll figure out a way to pack one...just not real certain I truly need one... What say ye??
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.