I've been experimenting with it here at home. Even when it is plugged into a USB port connected to a wall socket, my TND 740 draws power faster than it can recharge when the unit is running--so the net result is that it eventually will quit even if it is hooked to power (the same as cell phones do as their batteries get older). As you probably know, I am driving long shifts and need the unit to stay powered on for most of those shifts. I was in a particularly messy situation, yesterday afternoon, trying to avoid traffic running through Philadelphia when the unit just stopped. My old TND 720 keeps plugging along as long as it's plugged in, although it shuts itself off if I hit a big bump and the power is interrupted. My new trucking company asks me to avoid tollways when possible but will allow routes that have a few minimal tolls. The new 740 unit does that well but the older unit only can handle on or off with regard to tolls. When the 740 was new, it could keep running indefinitely as long as it was plugged in. Now, it seems only able to handle 6 or 7 hours of running time and takes a solid 3-4 hours to get fully charged again when it is powered off.
Check YouTube.
Yes, good advice! On the following video the guy says that I need to buy a Road King charger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2LEVBUSiPA
Operating While Intoxicated
Did you buy a warranty? If so, they will exchange it. If no, call customer service and see if you can get them to send you a new one anyhow.
My TND 730 has the same issue. I already sent it back and they replaced the battery and when I got it back it still has the same issue. I wonder if that charger will work for a gps since he was using the tablet? I'd buy one in a second if I could find one.
My TND 730 has the same issue. I already sent it back and they replaced the battery and when I got it back it still has the same issue. I wonder if that charger will work for a gps since he was using the tablet? I'd buy one in a second if I could find one.
Here is the charger he recommended (copy and paste):
I ordered one. I'll let you know if it can keep up with the charging needs.
You probably also will need this adaptor. I'm not positive. It's all supposed to arrive by June 8 so I will update you, then.
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Is it possible to change the lithium ion battery in the Rand McNally TND 740?