Starting With Swift

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Tom's Comment
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Week 2 is now finished we finished the week off with alot of in town driving focusing on the busy sections of downtown during rush hour and of course working on our turns we are supposed to have a minimum of 10 hours driving by the time we test out and with the 1 on 1 ratio we already have over that with another week to go still next week we are supposed to be heading over the mountains to get some experience on that before we test out the first week of december

Tom's Comment
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Week three started off on monday on the backing range due to the snow storm so we backed all day with a trailer that was off a little so had to adjust all of our backing moves but got it done then today we did a practice test on the pre trip backing and road test I did pretty good missed 4 points on the pretrip missed 2 points on the backing and missed 9 points on the road test if it would've been the real thing I would've passed I should test out best monday as long as the weather dont interrupt the schedule until then it's just gonna be practice practice practice

Tom's Comment
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Well today is the day its test day so far yesterday one guy in my class failed on his pre trip and the other guy passed and is now working on getting his mentor hopefully it all goes good for me today I'll update after test

Deleted Account's Comment
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good-luck.gif you got this!

Tom's Comment
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Well I passed my test with a 97% average over all three parts now just sitting here and waiting on paperwork to get finalized then try to get a mentor

Delco Dave's Comment
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Deleted Account's Comment
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Great job!!!!

PackRat's Comment
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Awesome job, Tom!


Tom's Comment
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Well it's been a busy month with my mentor I've been all over except the east coast I can tell you sitting in calafornia traffic sucks one day I drove 200 miles in 11 hours that really sucked ow I'm sitting in rochelle il waiting for monday to get here so I can upgrade

PackRat's Comment
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Awesome news!


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