Owning It. Almost A Year Experience.

Topic 27606 | Page 1

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Just Mitch's Comment
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Swift driver here. March 27 is my 365 day anniversary. I’ve had my fair share of bumps and bruises(not literally). I found it weird that when I had an accident you guys kept telling me to “own it.” But now I’ve gone through the forum enough and I get it. Obama/Trump made me crash. Sun is too bright. The sign was confusing. You guys deal with it all here.

Grandpa's Comment
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Mitch, your post made me smile.

After 50 years there isn't much I havent heard. LOL

Deleted Account's Comment
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We all make mistakes, it's how we learn and grow as a driver. How can you learn from something if you're not willing to accept responsibility. When meeting with safety it's very important to take that approach because it shows them you understand what went wrong to avoid it happening again. Nobody is perfect and I'm sure all of us have done some pretty boneheaded stuff. How we address it makes all the difference in the way we're looked at by our employers and peers.

Grandpa's Comment
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Rob, you impressed me as a man of integrity when you reported that RR crossing arm incident. Many would not have accepted responsibility.

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