Truck Simulator At Orientation

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Michelle E.'s Comment
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Hello Ladies,

I'm at Orientation at Prime in Springfield. I'm under mandatory quarantine until Covid-19 testing on Tuesday 11/3/2020. What worries me is the upcoming simulator training once cleared from quarantine. I do not know what to expect and I have never driven a commercial truck and I'm guessing at the time of simulator training that will still be the case. Should I be worried, what are they using the simulator exercises to determine? Any responses would be appreciated, Thank you!


Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Stop over thinking again lol

The simulator is like a huge video game that you sit in. It is no scary thing and since the trucks are autoshift now it isn't as bad as when I trained in the manual. The dash is sorta set up like the truck dash with the brakes and displays and such

They have a forward facing camera so they can see if you are reading the street signs and checking your mirrors. They want to see if you are obeying speed limits stuff like that. They are looking for lane control and it gives you a chance to change lanes and see how the truck moves with a trailer And wont drive a truck until you complete the simulator course. Just go with the flow and relax. Most people.have never driven a truck that is why they have the course.

You will do great

Michelle E.'s Comment
member avatar

Thanks Kearsey. Thanks for your advice. I just want to do well.


Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
member avatar

Read some of the diary section so you have a day by day idea. Some give very detailed info

Liz D.'s Comment
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If the simulator gives you motion sickness, it did to me not like barf city but felt nauseous, they can darken the screen a bit and bring a pair of sun glasses. Just tell them ya feel queasy, and they will take care of you.

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