My Upcoming Adventure

Topic 33291 | Page 5

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Sandman J's Comment
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The particular Freightliner they gave you has a 15 liter Detroit. Your mind will be blow first time through the mountains. Stay safe brother!

It's much nicer in that regard...I even get to use the left lane a little!

Mad respect for you. I avoid the northeast like the plague. Absolutely no desire to run up there, and definitely no nyc.

Thank you Davy. That's not my favorite place to be either. But I am glad I got to experience it.

“Turn on your magic beam

Mr Sandman, bring me a dream.”

Seems like the Sandman is the perfect name for your concert tour gig. I watched a very interesting video on YouTube about the Brad Paisley tour from the truck driving perspective. Lot of work and pressure. Precision timing was so important. Your gig is a really cool job. So different from my boring reefer job.

Tell Madonna I said hello.

haha I would BK but this is a different tour. I'd love to get on a country one. This is all quite the change from the scrap paper I frequently haul.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.


A refrigerated trailer.

Sandman J's Comment
member avatar

Greetings from Canada! I am in Laval just outside Montreal and just want to give a quick update.

We did the Toronto show Friday night and are now at the venue near Montreal waiting for load-in when we get the gear off our trailer. The catering at Toronto was excellent. So far because of this tour I've added two states and two Canadian provinces I've driven truck in. I'm also getting more used to the truck I'm currently in. After here it's Chicagoland so I might be able to pop home or at least briefly see my wife so I'm looking forward to that. Hope everyone is doing well, that's all I got for now.

BK's Comment
member avatar

Sandman, whenever you update your thread I find it interesting to follow.

And every time it makes me think of what Willie Nelson sang: “The road goes on forever and the party never ends”

(Minus the weed, of course).


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Sandman J's Comment
member avatar

Thanks BK. I was hoping I would have had a bit more time in Newark as maybe we could have at least briefly met.

Here by Montreal catering was great, then 4 of us went to the swampy staging yard this venue uses. The lucky others remain parked in docks with access to more delicious food and indoor plumbing. So this is definitely lacking the party aspect, but you can't win em all.

Zen Joker 's Comment
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Greetings from Canada! I am in Laval just outside Montreal and just want to give a quick update.

We did the Toronto show Friday night and are now at the venue near Montreal waiting for load-in when we get the gear off our trailer. The catering at Toronto was excellent. So far because of this tour I've added two states and two Canadian provinces I've driven truck in. I'm also getting more used to the truck I'm currently in. After here it's Chicagoland so I might be able to pop home or at least briefly see my wife so I'm looking forward to that. Hope everyone is doing well, that's all I got for now.

Sandman J's Comment
member avatar

I am on the western US part of this tour now. My parting gift out of El Paso was something hitting my windshield causing damage. And wouldn't ya know it five minutes later as my welcome to New Mexico was an open Port of Entry. I pull up to the first shack labeled credentials check where I'm told, "They wanna see you in Bay 2." Well the feeling sure wasn't mutual but that's not an invitation you can RSVP no to so I pulled around back. I was told I'm getting a Level 2 walk-around. Everything went well and 24 minutes later I signed my clean report and I hightailed it out of there!

Next up is a couple LA-area venues then further north.

This was my first Level 2 so I'll go over it for those who haven't had one yet so they know what they might expect. For mine, he initially checked lights and tires. Then it was wipers with juice, air horn, and extinguisher and triangles, followed by my logs which he went into the office to look at.

He returned and said I need four things from you: Truck and trailer reg, BOL, license. He got those and went back to his office. To my surprise and delight he never mentioned the window issue.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
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