Myth Of Trucking Shortages

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Ted M.'s Comment
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Hi there , I've been in trucking 13.5 years , Ii have explored many avenues in this industry Company driver ,drove for % plus split cost fuel ,repairs ,etc. Hauled Dry van , reefer ,flatbed all 48 states. Now I don't claim to it all you never will. But doesn"t mean or require to be the know it all to know to see it, watch it in real time. To know trucking shortages are a perpetuated lie.

Landline magazine look up on there website and search Truth bombs, driver shortages and you will find real statistics that is one article . Yet the ones you see are mostly in all other media , news reports all repeat what they been told. Truth bombs is a term used in alot of subject matters which is when you accept the fact that you see how it works. Qoute: If you read it enough and/or hear it enough it must be true. This happens with the media all the time. It is propaganda set in by special interest organizations. In Washington. I implore you read this article it is enlightening and it helps you understand drivers pay is stagnating. I'm not the author but will gladly take on anyone who thinks there is a crisis.

Congress refers to it as a crisis but the southern border is not. There's your main source of all the the propagand . Please I implore you to read this it provides the numbers ,the evidence that can't be manipulated by just saying its true. When evidence you can see in public records that solidify this argument. Then see how you feel about it. It resonates with today's reporting ,if you hear it and read it enough, it has to be true. Like our recent news ,Biden's fine but your not seeing dementia in a President who cant answer open questions ,only preplanned one and he clearly is reading his monitor Great eye opening to that myth that alot of people benefit from.

Edit from Moderator: Here is the article he is referencing:

OOIDA drops truckers’ truth bombs at Senate hearing

Dry Van:

A trailer or truck that that requires no special attention, such as refrigeration, that hauls regular palletted, boxed, or floor-loaded freight. The most common type of trailer in trucking.


Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association

Who They Are

OOIDA is an international trade association representing the interests of independent owner-operators and professional drivers on all issues that affect truckers. The over 150,000 members of OOIDA are men and women in all 50 states and Canada who collectively own and/or operate more than 240,000 individual heavy-duty trucks and small truck fleets.

Their Mission

The mission of OOIDA is to serve owner-operators, small fleets and professional truckers; to work for a business climate where truckers are treated equally and fairly; to promote highway safety and responsibility among all highway users; and to promote a better business climate and efficiency for all truck operators.


A refrigerated trailer.

PJ's Comment
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I have seen the article. I am an ooida member and read their magazine.

I’m sure this will fall on deaf ears as it usually does. Special interest has taken over long ago. He did present them with the real information about the real world. I hope they listen, but i learned along time ago that politicans put on a front to care, but actually never do anything. That is because special interest groups are lining their pockets.

If the gov’t had a real agenda to improve highway safety they would seek out experienced subject matter experts instead of the way they go about it.

I wrote my congressman last week about the speed limiter rule making. I got a call back from a staffer that sounded to be in his mid twenties. He had not even read my full letter only the first paragraph. He listened but gave me the impression he was only calling because he was assigned to.

He knew nothing of the bill contents. I find this disturbing on several levels, but his boss owns a small trucking company.


Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association

Who They Are

OOIDA is an international trade association representing the interests of independent owner-operators and professional drivers on all issues that affect truckers. The over 150,000 members of OOIDA are men and women in all 50 states and Canada who collectively own and/or operate more than 240,000 individual heavy-duty trucks and small truck fleets.

Their Mission

The mission of OOIDA is to serve owner-operators, small fleets and professional truckers; to work for a business climate where truckers are treated equally and fairly; to promote highway safety and responsibility among all highway users; and to promote a better business climate and efficiency for all truck operators.

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