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Brett Aquila's Comment
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Best of luck!

Listen, just try to relax and roll with it. There is absolutely nothing keeping you from getting your trucking career underway. That doesn't mean things will go smoothly - they almost never do for anyone. You might hit some snags along the way. Maybe you'll get sent home for a temporary medical problem. Maybe you won't have all the paperwork you'll need. Who knows? But in the end, none of that will matter as long as you stick with it. The only thing you can completely control is your own determination in getting where you want to go in life. As long as you don't quit trying, you're going to become a truck driver. So ultimately, the path you take and the hurdles you overcome will simply make for a fun story to tell someday and nothing more.

So just relax. Take it one moment at a time and simply deal with what is in front of you right now. Don't keep looking ahead all the time and overwhelming yourself with worries. Live in the moment and know in your heart that nothing is going to stop you from getting there.

I've always had supreme confidence in myself, but my ma was always very timid. She's always been amazed when I'll just jump head first into something very challenging without a second thought. She has said a million times, "I don't know how you do it. Doesn't it scare you to death when you don't know what the outcome will be?" And I always say something the the effect of:

"I know what the outcome will be. I'll end up right where I want to be in the end because I won't quit until I do. And regardless of what it takes to get there I know I'm going to learn so much along the way. The knowledge and wisdom you gain along the way is the key to building a great life for yourself. And lastly, when you put everything you have into something - your mind, your heart, your very best effort - you always walk away proud with your head held high simply for having the courage to put yourself in that position, facing the challenges head on, and fighting with everything you have to the very end. So there's no way I can lose. No matter what the outcome, I will walk away proud with newfound wisdom and some great stories to tell."

I have a few tattoos and the word "Courage" is on two of them because I feel you can't build a great life for yourself without having the courage to face your fears and find a way to overcome them.

In the end, one way or another, you're going to become a truck driver. It really doesn't matter what path gets you there. It doesn't matter if you have to turn back and try other paths a few times. It doesn't matter who you drive for or where you get your training. All that matters is that you never quit trying. Just keep believing in yourself and trust that you'll always find the strength and determination to face whatever is in front of you right here, right now. Focus on the moment. Keep your thoughts positive and optimistic. Keep your confidence high at all times.

There isn't anything it takes to become a truck driver that you're not capable of. So it's simply a matter of staying the course until you get there. That you can control. And that is something you're perfectly capable of doing, and I fully expect you will. smile.gif


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

Special K, aka Kathy's Comment
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Thanks everyone for your support, Brett like I said earlier, the older I get the more cautious I have become! I used to just jump in feet first and sink or swim. Everything will go the way it is meant to be! I just need to relax and enjoy this new adventure. I have traveled quite a bit to Mid West States and North East, but I have never been out West and I am so looking forward to seeing Salt Lake City! I need to focus on the task at hand and my know that my future looks bright. I got this!!!!!!!!!! I truly thank God that he has blessed me with this opportunity to follow my heart! I know that he is in this with me!

I tried earlier today to fiqure out how to post pics but I have no idea. Any who, I will put stuff on my facebook page and if you are a facebooker feel free to send me a request and I will accept it!

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