Prescription Meds And Drug Testing.

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Michael C.'s Comment
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About a month ago I had a surgical tooth extraction done and was prescribed hydrocodone for a week. My question is if the pill bottle enough proof that the drug was prescribed or do I need to come up with some paperwork. I am going with prime and they do hair test.

Ernie S. (AKA Old Salty D's Comment
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About a month ago I had a surgical tooth extraction done and was prescribed hydrocodone for a week. My question is if the pill bottle enough proof that the drug was prescribed or do I need to come up with some paperwork. I am going with prime and they do hair test.

Unless they changed their testing, they only do urinalysis. But yes, get it in writing from the Dr that prescribed the meds & take the bottle with you.

I did my training with Prime 4 years ago, and they are very strict when it comes to drug testing. So you need to really cover your trail so to speak when it comes to medical anything.

Also, after you get started (does not matter who you drive for), never take any kind of medication (script or over the counter) on the truck without being in the original packaging it comes in.


Brett Aquila's Comment
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We have an updated list of drug tests done by companies on our wiki page for Hair Follicle vs. Urinalysis: Breakdown By Company.

Also, I'm not familiar with that drug but many companies have a policy regarding how long you have to be off of narcotics before you can drive for them. So if that's a narcotic, ask Prime about their policy regarding how long you have to be off it before you can drive.

Michael C.'s Comment
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We have an updated list of drug tests done by companies on our wiki page for Hair Follicle vs. Urinalysis: Breakdown By Company.

Also, I'm not familiar with that drug but many companies have a policy regarding how long you have to be off of narcotics before you can drive for them. So if that's a narcotic, ask Prime about their policy regarding how long you have to be off it before you can drive.

Yeah it is a type of narcotic painkiller. According to Google it is in the system for about 4 days after the last dose on a urine test. So not too terribly worried about it if they only do that kind of test.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Yeah it is a type of narcotic painkiller. According to Google it is in the system for about 4 days after the last dose on a urine test. So not too terribly worried about it if they only do that kind of test.

Well it's not just about passing the test. You'll almost certainly have to reveal to them that you were taking the prescription on your application or the form you fill out for the DOT physical so they'll know when your last dosage was. It will likely be a company policy that you won't be allowed to drive for a certain amount of time after your last dosage. I think it was 30 days the last time this was brought up a while back.


Department Of Transportation

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.

State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.

Michael C.'s Comment
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Yeah it is a type of narcotic painkiller. According to Google it is in the system for about 4 days after the last dose on a urine test. So not too terribly worried about it if they only do that kind of test.


Well it's not just about passing the test. You'll almost certainly have to reveal to them that you were taking the prescription on your application or the form you fill out for the DOT physical so they'll know when your last dosage was. It will likely be a company policy that you won't be allowed to drive for a certain amount of time after your last dosage. I think it was 30 days the last time this was brought up a while back.

it has been over 2 months now and my start date is not until mid October as long as my sleep study tonight goes well. I'm just making sure i am covering all my bases. I have never done illegal drugs and that was the first time i had to take a heavy pain killer for a week so I have never had to worry about this before.


Department Of Transportation

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.

State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.

Lawrence H.'s Comment
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I have to take painkillers ffrom a drunk driver doing 70 in a 35 and hit me head on. I take one every 4 hours for pain. I have never tested positive for anything. There's not enough hydrlcodone to make you test positive for anything. You would have to take 10.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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I have to take painkillers from a drunk driver doing 70 in a 35 and hit me head on. I take one every 4 hours for pain. I have never tested positive for anything. There's not enough hydrocodone to make you test positive for anything. You would have to take 10.

Have you taken a hair follicle test or just urinalysis? I'd bet anything it would show up on a hair follicle test.

Mark P.'s Comment
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Hey Michael, I never heard of anything other than a urine test for Prime. If you take along the prescription bottle with the label showing the date filled that is enough from what I learned there. And if it was only a temporary prescription for a dental procedure a month ago, you will be clean.


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