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Bucket's Comment
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I talked to a freymiller recruiter today. I also did search here at tt. Only found an old post. Are there any freymiller folks on here? The recuiter had nothing good to say about Swift, Prime, CRST, CR England, and I didn't care for that. I understand she is a recruiter. They hire student drivers but must do an eight week training with a trainer. Start solo at .33 with .14 of that as per diem. Pay 50.00 a day for three day orientation and 450.00 a week with trainer. No forced to Ny city. Equipment is 579 Pete. All loads are ref. Gov at 65 mph. I would like some positive feedback.

Per Diem:

Getting paid per diem means getting a portion of your salary paid to you without taxes taken out. It's technically classified as a meal and expense reimbursement.

Truck drivers and others who travel for a living get large tax deductions for meal expenses. The Government set up per diem pay as a way to reimburse some of the taxes you pay with each paycheck instead of making you wait until tax filing season.

Getting per diem pay means a driver will get a larger paycheck each week but a smaller tax return at tax time.

We have a ton of information on our wiki page on per diem pay

Tanker Man's Comment
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I talked to a freymiller recruiter today. I also did search here at tt. Only found an old post. Are there any freymiller folks on here? The recuiter had nothing good to say about Swift, Prime, CRST, CR England, and I didn't care for that. I understand she is a recruiter. They hire student drivers but must do an eight week training with a trainer. Start solo at .33 with .14 of that as per diem. Pay 50.00 a day for three day orientation and 450.00 a week with trainer. No forced to Ny city. Equipment is 579 Pete. All loads are ref. Gov at 65 mph. I would like some positive feedback.

Not the first time I have heard someone say their recruiter talked down on other trucking companies. Had that happen to me yesterday, I won't mention the company name just for respect purposes but they had nothing good to say about any other company.

Can't say I have ever heard of Frey Miller, where they based out of?

Per Diem:

Getting paid per diem means getting a portion of your salary paid to you without taxes taken out. It's technically classified as a meal and expense reimbursement.

Truck drivers and others who travel for a living get large tax deductions for meal expenses. The Government set up per diem pay as a way to reimburse some of the taxes you pay with each paycheck instead of making you wait until tax filing season.

Getting per diem pay means a driver will get a larger paycheck each week but a smaller tax return at tax time.

We have a ton of information on our wiki page on per diem pay

RebelliousVamp 's Comment
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I'd be weary of any company that talks trash about all the other companies. It shows a lack of ethics and respect towards the business in general. Competition is normal and to be expected.

Susan D. 's Comment
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Freymiller has bern around a LONG time. Good solid company.

Bucket's Comment
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I talked to a freymiller recruiter today. I also did search here at tt. Only found an old post. Are there any freymiller folks on here? The recuiter had nothing good to say about Swift, Prime, CRST, CR England, and I didn't care for that. I understand she is a recruiter. They hire student drivers but must do an eight week training with a trainer. Start solo at .33 with .14 of that as per diem. Pay 50.00 a day for three day orientation and 450.00 a week with trainer. No forced to Ny city. Equipment is 579 Pete. All loads are ref. Gov at 65 mph. I would like some positive feedback.


Not the first time I have heard someone say their recruiter talked down on other trucking companies. Had that happen to me yesterday, I won't mention the company name just for respect purposes but they had nothing good to say about any other company.

Can't say I have ever heard of Frey Miller, where they based out of?

OKC and recruiter wants me to go to a private school not one of the company sponsored. Can't go by what the recruiter at schools or company say about another. She did say Werner Enterprises had some good dedicated jobs. I contacted Werner and they ask me to let them know when I was in school. One school told me Werner was wanting to hire 50 drivers for a new contract. He said they would hire for a dedicated out of school but also after the 6-8 week training.

Per Diem:

Getting paid per diem means getting a portion of your salary paid to you without taxes taken out. It's technically classified as a meal and expense reimbursement.

Truck drivers and others who travel for a living get large tax deductions for meal expenses. The Government set up per diem pay as a way to reimburse some of the taxes you pay with each paycheck instead of making you wait until tax filing season.

Getting per diem pay means a driver will get a larger paycheck each week but a smaller tax return at tax time.

We have a ton of information on our wiki page on per diem pay

Bucket's Comment
member avatar

Freymiller has bern around a LONG time. Good solid company.

Do you know any drivers?

Daniel B.'s Comment
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I'd be weary of any company that talks trash about all the other companies. It shows a lack of ethics and respect towards the business in general. Competition is normal and to be expected.

This, totally this. No bigger turn-off than hearing a company talk like that towards another company. As far as knowing any Frey Miller driver, I do not - I have not found one yet with enough social skills to have an intelligent conversation with.


Operating While Intoxicated

RebelliousVamp 's Comment
member avatar


I'd be weary of any company that talks trash about all the other companies. It shows a lack of ethics and respect towards the business in general. Competition is normal and to be expected.


This, totally this. No bigger turn-off than hearing a company talk like that towards another company. As far as knowing any Frey Miller driver, I do not - I have not found one yet with enough social skills to have an intelligent conversation with.

I've been in business for myself long enough to understand that trash talking about your competition is bad juju. It is a huge turn off. It shows a lack of confidence in what you have to offer to your clients. Someone who believe in what they're selling NEVER need to belittle the competition to make themselves look better. It just shows the opposite. In fact, I have found that it brings good karma when you can actually talk positively about some of your competition, specially the ones who have good skills and a good product to offer.


Operating While Intoxicated

Brett Aquila's Comment
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What you guys have to keep in mind about recruiters is that they are not the company itself. They are one of thousands of employees and nothing more. They have no clout, no authority, and they have no effect on your career whatsoever. They don't make policy, they don't implement change, and they do not necessarily represent anything about the company's values or culture.

Their job is to get you signed up, period. Nothing more. Don't read into it any more than that. Some of them are great at it, some are terrible, and most fall in the middle somewhere. Every large company has recruiters at every point on the spectrum and you have no idea which one your call will go to.

If you get a great recruiter does that mean you'd be willing to go to work for the company?

If you get a lousy one will you decide the company is no good?

The answer to both of those questions should be a resounding 'no'.

If you decide who to work for based upon the attitude, work ethic, or personality of the recruiters themselves then you are making career decisions based upon worthless, arbitrary information. You would do just as well to make your decisions based upon the color of the sky over Minneapolis on any given day or the number of letters in your mom's middle name. All equally worthless when trying to evaluate how well a company will suit you.

Stick to the facts that have an impact on your job when you're choosing a company, things like:

What type of freight do they haul?

What can I expect for home time?

How good are the pay and benefits?

What types of equipment do they have?

....that kind of stuff.

If you're going to make decisions based upon the quality of the recruiter you might as well make decisions based upon whether or not my shoelaces come untied on my way to the mailbox. Those recruiters and my shoelaces are going to have an equal impact on your career.

Here is some great information on working with recruiters:

The Biggest Mistake New Drivers Make When Speaking With Recruiters

Questions To Ask Company Recruiters

Choosing A Truck Driving Job Part VIII: Talking With The Right People


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

RebelliousVamp 's Comment
member avatar

"....they are one of thousands of employees and nothing more."

It's sad to think of them that way. They are part of the company....they are often the ones who paint that first picture of the company you're thinking of applying for. This is why I quit corporate offices....because I was just a number. Although without me and all the other employees....there is no company. Same goes for most businesses...

I get what you're saying tho. Will try to stick with other info rather than just what the recruiter says.

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