2015 Cascadia 12v Question

Topic 17615 | Page 2

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Chad C.'s Comment
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Well..I just found out my "star head screw driving thingy" is a T25 torque driver...and after pulling the dash stuff out...its not a fuse. I did my "guy stuff" for the day lol.

Not only did I learn something new but I tried to save the company time and money. Oh well. Going back to sleep now.

Thanks youz guys


You get an "A" for effort!!! Yes sleep time 😪

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Not only did I learn something new but I tried to save the company time and money. Oh well. Going back to sleep now.


That means I should wait a 1/2 hour and call - right?



Sure....half asleep my voice sounds all raspy and sexy lol. I used to make.good $ on the 900 numbers lol

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
member avatar


Maybe I'll just play the "I'm a girl and you're a big strong man" bit to get the guy next to me to fix it hahabha


Yes.....PLAY THE GIRL CARD. And shame on Paul, he should get out of the gutter. Do not put up with that from him!


Paul knows me too well. Lol. But that appliance doesn't take a 12v and probably has more endurance.than he does.

Ya know...my fridge.

Rick S.'s Comment
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Sure....half asleep my voice sounds all raspy and sexy lol. I used to make.good $ on the 900 numbers lol

Didn't you like, say you were going to sleep 3 hours ago?


Tractor Man's Comment
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I will never look at a Refrigerator the same way ever again.......EVER!

Thanks Rainy!


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