California CARB Compliant

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Ernie C.'s Comment
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Ok so who knows the real skinny on this matter...Have a 1998 pete, and I've been told by some I'm non-compliant and they handed out tickets on I-5 last week, and other say it's been pushed back to 2020? If I'm out of compliance... who else is in the same boat.. what's the cheapest way to become compliant... this truck is in amazing condition, new motor, low miles and PAID OFF... can't see buying a new rig at this point..and can't operate outside of CA..I have a printing company and dont' use it everyday however it's an important piece of equipment... I've heard it can cost upwards of 20 grand to make this happen... any help????

PJ's Comment
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Ouch. We have some owner operators that tell me they are not complaint for ca and the company will not send them there. You have the ca air resources board to thank for this crap. Excuse my language. I lived in Ca for a long time and had to deal with them over a dairy my ex owned. The study they based everything on they found out was from a guy they hired that lied about his crediatenials. Last I heard they were still moving forward with the schedule even though they had a bad study. Hopefully someone else has more current info.

Owner Operator:

An owner-operator is a driver who either owns or leases the truck they are driving. A self-employed driver.

Tracy M.'s Comment
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After reading and trying to understand government language - The jest is that you need to have a PM filter installed on your truck if your Engine is not a 2010, not the truck, but the Engine. You need to have registered your truck Engine with CARB by January of last year. You had to January 31, 2014 to have met the compliance to be allowed into CA. But as with all government you may file an exemption form requesting an extension, which would allow you time to become compliant. Go to - click on Registration/Permits in the left hand column- then go to Truck & Bus Regulations. There are some tabs at the top that will help also in the body of the page gives some explanation on the good faith forms. I had to do this with my ex's 1993 Freightliner and again with his 2010 Freightliner, mind you his 2010 has a 2004 Engine and is not compliant with the state of CA. He has to file a good faith form. All trucks have to have a 2010 Engine or newer by 2023 to run the state, unless someone can come up with action to rescind this hindering piece of truck legislation. Or - do what a lot are doing just don't run the state. PM filters start at 2500 and up and does not include the labor to have it installed on your truck when I did some looking for the 1993 FrtLiner. Also a side note they also have a prevision regarding the type of tires that can be run on trailers in the state, although I have not seen or read much on that lately. You might also be able to get some information from OOIDA's web page. Do your reading and call the CARB office if you do not understand and really need to run CA. Hope this helps a bit, is still confusing to me, but got the forms filled out. Good Luck


Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association

Who They Are

OOIDA is an international trade association representing the interests of independent owner-operators and professional drivers on all issues that affect truckers. The over 150,000 members of OOIDA are men and women in all 50 states and Canada who collectively own and/or operate more than 240,000 individual heavy-duty trucks and small truck fleets.

Their Mission

The mission of OOIDA is to serve owner-operators, small fleets and professional truckers; to work for a business climate where truckers are treated equally and fairly; to promote highway safety and responsibility among all highway users; and to promote a better business climate and efficiency for all truck operators.

Ernie C.'s Comment
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Thanks for the input... in the printing industry I'm lucky to still be in business, with the internet we've taken a huge hit. The only thing that has kept me in business is when I was making tons of money I paid off all of my equipment. If I'd not done that I'd be following so many of my competitors. I would imagine just as myself there are such slim profit margins with small truckers out there...amazing economy is in the tank but hey lets' put more out of business in California...thanks again everyone...


Operating While Intoxicated

Brett Aquila's Comment
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I would imagine just as myself there are such slim profit margins with small truckers out there

There are slim margins with all truckers out there - big and small companies alike. Like printing, which has become a commodity for the most part, trucking is a commodity service where the lowest price wins. The average profit margin across the trucking industry is about 3%. Most companies are asset rich and cash poor, surviving on cash flow when times are good and financing when times are poor. Trucking is hyper-competitive.

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