Just A Funny Trucking Picture To Brighten Your Day

Topic 2755 | Page 16

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Steve_HBG's Comment
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Source: Dale Clay?

∆_Danielsahn_∆'s Comment
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Source: Dale Clay?

Yes smile.gif

Miss Miyoshi's Comment
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Errol V.'s Comment
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You are sooo mean😯!

Miss Miyoshi's Comment
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I didn't make the graphic!! I just thought it was cute. "I'm coming for you little buddy!" I laughed. Out loud. At work.

Robert B. (The Dragon) ye's Comment
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Unfortunately, Swift comes under a lot of fire and has more memes dedicated to their drivers and mistakes than anyone. When you're the largest company with the most trucks on the road it's almost un avoidable. That's actually one of the nicer ones lol.

Miss Miyoshi's Comment
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Unfortunately, Swift comes under a lot of fire and has more memes dedicated to their drivers and mistakes than anyone. When you're the largest company with the most trucks on the road it's almost un avoidable. That's actually one of the nicer ones lol.

Yeah, I've seen plenty of the hate online. That wasn't my intention. You could have left the carrier name off the trucks and it would have been just as funny. At least, to me it would have been.

∆_Danielsahn_∆'s Comment
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Errol V.'s Comment
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'S OK, Miss Miyoshi. I was just being silly. I know Swift is the butt off many jokes.

If I didn't have a sense of humor, I would have taken umbrage. (But once I had some umbrage, I wouldn't know what to do with it. Maybe put it in RV's Bullet with some celery and strawberries? I dunno.)

Anchorman's Comment
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The future of trucking...trucks that run so clean they emit rainbows.

semi truck with rainbow coming from it

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