If it's having any traction issues on dry level pavement, there's a larger problem internally. Get it to a shop before it leaves you stranded in the middle of a busy intersection some morning.
Expanding on this, it could be the rear end, the transmission, or a computer controller for any of these.
Did you check to make sure you didn’t at some point hit the button/switch and accidentally deflate your airbags? If it happened right after a wash it could be anything like Packrat said but it sounds to me like a leveler issue
I just happened to look while I was in between a drop and hook today, and the back set of duals is not even touching the ground! WTF? That's gotta be some kind of setting I inadvertently messed with?
Drop and hook means the driver will drop one trailer and hook to another one.
In order to speed up the pickup and delivery process a driver may be instructed to drop their empty trailer and hook to one that is already loaded, or drop their loaded trailer and hook to one that is already empty. That way the driver will not have to wait for a trailer to be loaded or unloaded.
All of your wheels and tires are the same size, right?
Yeah, they're all the same size. Like I said, this is a recent development, things were fine before.
Your airbags are fine? You checked them physically as well as the switch as suggested previously? Airbags was my first thought. You shouldn’t just keep driving it like that.
Yeah, they're all the same size. Like I said, this is a recent development, things were fine before.
The leveling valve is out of adjustment or gone bad. Repair or replace it today.
Yeah the airbags aren't the issue. They're all properly inflated. And anyways, if they were deflated, that would make the drive tires sit lower, not higher, right? Thanks for the advice guys. I just let the shop know. They're having me bring it in. I just hate being out of commission for a while. Been running hard and raking it in. Was hoping there was something I could do myself.
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This is a new development. Truck is a 2020 International. When bobtail , I will get stuck on completely level, dry pavement. The back set of duals will start spinning. I have to lock the differential to get moving. It even struggles a bit with an empty trailer. This began immediately after I went through a truck wash, although I can't imagine what that would have to do with it. Anyone have a similar experience?
"Bobtailing" means you are driving a tractor without a trailer attached.