Glad no one was killed in that mess.
Yesterday on I20 in Mississippi, I was passed by a bobtail tractor. I don’t know what happened to him, but after he was a comfortable distance ahead of me he signaled to pull onto the shoulder. Then I saw a big bunch of dirt go flying, the driver overcorrected, came back almost sideways across both lanes just in front of a car and then miraculously got his tractor back under control. I couldn’t believe that he didn’t roll over or go completely off the road into the trees. I definitely had a front row seat to that one. Thankfully it ended without incident but I believe that driver needed clean underwear after that one.
Like Rob says, it’s amazing how fast things can go wrong.
"Bobtailing" means you are driving a tractor without a trailer attached.
The Super Ego driver should have never swerved.
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Today I came upon the aftermath of an accident on I80 WB Omaha. I'd passed through 10 to 15 minutes before this occurred.
When I came through about 2 hours later wreckers were on scene but still only passable on the shoulder with traffic at a standstill over 7 miles. Preliminary investigation shows a car came into Super Ego trucks lane causing him to maneuver to avoid hitting them but over corrected and overturned. 4 people sent to the hospital with minor injuries have since been released. Another great example of how quickly things can change due to others actions.
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