I'm in the midst of selling my three 1 acre lots and got to looking at the pictures in the closing documents. The holes that a company dug for a water perc test, were drawn on and not actual holes. How could I tell? There was a whole slew of white little dots on the land that I could see when I expanded the picture. Those white dots were 150+ Saanen dairy goats that I was holding on my property from the middle of May 2016 to the middle of June 2016 when they finally went to the goat dairy 30 miles away. So it's going on 8 years since they have taken a Google satellite picture of my place. As for my house, for some strange reason it's blurred out so I can't look at it to see when it was taken.
Talking with a friend over in Oregon, she recently talked with a Google Street view driver who was driving down her road out in the country. She was told that around cities, it was updated every 2 to 3 years and in outlying areas 4 to 5 years. When I have to deliver around the Aurora CO, many of the warehouses show up as dirt fields still. I usually ask the clerk how long the building has been there, and it's been there less than 5 years as a rule.
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
We call Aurora "Saudi Aurora". I find a lot of the old satellite images at various places. I usually check the street view because it is usually newer as was said
I was just wondering when, if and how the GPS and satellite images get brought up to date with changes and new construction?
I'm not sure how but the interstates get updated far more quickly it seems. The new 380/I80 interchange south of Cedar Rapids IA was updated about a week before it opened to traffic.
It always makes it more interesting to show up somewhere without having an overhead view of it to have a game plan. It's almost like time traveling way way back to the early 2000s or earlier.
Commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the Federal Department Of Transportation (DOT).
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Sometimes the Google satellite images are out of date. I’ve been to three places recently where the roads don’t show up on my navigation screen. One was right in Atlanta, I75, one in MN and one in Nebraska. I was directed to fuel up at a Loves near Morris, IL. Looked at the satellite image and the location was vacant land. But there had been a Loves built there after the image was taken.
I was just wondering when, if and how the GPS and satellite images get brought up to date with changes and new construction?