Can You Let Me Know Where You Got Your Training?

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James M.'s Comment
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The ATA represents only the mega carriers. They have been spouting the driver shortage garbage for several years now.

The mega’s have huge turnover rate’s.

The economy is terrible and has been so for the last 2 years. Companies are going out of business monthly. Freight rates are in the toliet for several reasons, but one big reason is over capacity of trucks.

So riddle me this: If rates are depressed because of to many available trucks how can it be true there is a severe driver shortage??

Are you serious? I was specifically looking for something that was in demand and from everything I looked at it definitely looked like there's a huge demand for truckers. OMG....I don't know whst to do now.

I spent 2 months trying to get another job in the IT after I was laid off without notice and found out the job market is overcrowded with people looking for the same thing I was looking for. Recent grads with a ton more current education than I have. That's when I thought that I needed to change gears. I saw a number of articles stating that truckers drivers were in demand, there's a big shortage of drivers, etc. I thought that would be perfect. I've loved driving as it is.

Now I see this.


There's absolutely nothing where I live but a bunch of stores.

I'm totally screwed.

I don't know what to do.

ID Mtn Gal's Comment
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Are you serious? I was specifically looking for something that was in demand and from everything I looked at it definitely looked like there's a huge demand for truckers. OMG....I don't know whst to do now.

I spent 2 months trying to get another job in the IT after I was laid off without notice and found out the job market is overcrowded with people looking for the same thing I was looking for. Recent grads with a ton more current education than I have. That's when I thought that I needed to change gears. I saw a number of articles stating that truckers drivers were in demand, there's a big shortage of drivers, etc. I thought that would be perfect. I've loved driving as it is.

Now I see this.


There's absolutely nothing where I live but a bunch of stores.

I'm totally screwed.

I don't know what to do.

Yes, he was serious. There truly is not a demand for drivers. You have an incident, many companies in the past would give you a chance and keep you on with a warning. Now you are fired. Look for another job and you struggle to find one. I'm not talking about major accidents, just incidents. Since freight has seriously slowed down and freight rates have tanked, my company has let several people go for having an incident along with an attitude. I was running really steady (2500-2800 mi) until 3 weeks ago when my runs slowed tremendously. In that time, I have sat 48 to 72 hours three different times and have only done 5,500 miles in that 3 weeks. My company is trying to spread the wealth among their good drivers.

When I came out on the road in September 2014, the reporting at that time was that there was a shortage of 50,000 drivers. The reasons were the same as what you read. I never saw a shortage of drivers. It is cyclical and there may be times when there was a shortage....supposedly there was during covid but I didn't see it then either and they pushed hiring at many companies. I worked at two different ones that leased their trucks and had many sitting empty on the lots. They pushed to hire more people and went around saying they were short drivers. However, if they hadn't leased those extra trucks, they wouldn't have needed more drivers. They were just wanting part of the pie of hauling more freight.

As for what you are going to do? I don't have a clue. If you want this bad enough, you will do whatever it takes to get through a school and get a company to take you on.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
James M.'s Comment
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Are you serious? I was specifically looking for something that was in demand and from everything I looked at it definitely looked like there's a huge demand for truckers. OMG....I don't know whst to do now.

I spent 2 months trying to get another job in the IT after I was laid off without notice and found out the job market is overcrowded with people looking for the same thing I was looking for. Recent grads with a ton more current education than I have. That's when I thought that I needed to change gears. I saw a number of articles stating that truckers drivers were in demand, there's a big shortage of drivers, etc. I thought that would be perfect. I've loved driving as it is.

Now I see this.


There's absolutely nothing where I live but a bunch of stores.

I'm totally screwed.

I don't know what to do.


Yes, he was serious. There truly is not a demand for drivers. You have an incident, many companies in the past would give you a chance and keep you on with a warning. Now you are fired. Look for another job and you struggle to find one. I'm not talking about major accidents, just incidents. Since freight has seriously slowed down and freight rates have tanked, my company has let several people go for having an incident along with an attitude. I was running really steady (2500-2800 mi) until 3 weeks ago when my runs slowed tremendously. In that time, I have sat 48 to 72 hours three different times and have only done 5,500 miles in that 3 weeks. My company is trying to spread the wealth among their good drivers.

When I came out on the road in September 2014, the reporting at that time was that there was a shortage of 50,000 drivers. The reasons were the same as what you read. I never saw a shortage of drivers. It is cyclical and there may be times when there was a shortage....supposedly there was during covid but I didn't see it then either and they pushed hiring at many companies. I worked at two different ones that leased their trucks and had many sitting empty on the lots. They pushed to hire more people and went around saying they were short drivers. However, if they hadn't leased those extra trucks, they wouldn't have needed more drivers. They were just wanting part of the pie of hauling more freight.

As for what you are going to do? I don't have a clue. If you want this bad enough, you will do whatever it takes to get through a school and get a company to take you on.

Question. Is this site paid by mega carriers? Because I see that "Truck drivers are in high demand. Trucking truth will lead the way."...or something to that effect here and there throughout this site.

I came here to get the truth and I honestly thought I was getting it. Now I don't know what to think. I've sold practically everything in my apartment because I thought I'd be living in a truck, paying off my debts and then saving money. I was going to save up to get a little plot of land and get a house built. I'm practically on the verge of living in a cardboard box.

I seriously don't know what to do now.

So much for "Trucking Truth"

I really have no other choice but to wait to hear back from Roehl. Like I said, there's really nothing but stores near me and there's no way I can make a living working in a store.

If I don't hear from them by Monday or Tuesday..........

Does anyone know how long the eviction process is???


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
PJ's Comment
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James you need to try and take a breath. Your stressed and rightlt so, but that means you need to slow your thiught process and take a deep breath.

I’ve been around here a good while. I have no idea what Brett does with advertising or the business end, but I can tell you without any hestitation that we all are here and donate our time trying to help folks, like yourself with the truth about this industry. That is why Brett built this site many years ago.

We are all experienced drivers and have busy schedules. None of us have time to waste. Our only goal is to try and help folks be successful.

This is not a social media site for entertainment nor is it a mega carrier recruitment site.

We tell it as we see it and if that is to the liking fine, if not that is fine too.

Now as far as Roehl goes. If your not getting anywhere with Melissa contact Kim there. She has been there along time and has the juice to help expedite your application. At least you would have an answer one way or the other.

James M.'s Comment
member avatar

James you need to try and take a breath. Your stressed and rightlt so, but that means you need to slow your thiught process and take a deep breath.

I’ve been around here a good while. I have no idea what Brett does with advertising or the business end, but I can tell you without any hestitation that we all are here and donate our time trying to help folks, like yourself with the truth about this industry. That is why Brett built this site many years ago.

We are all experienced drivers and have busy schedules. None of us have time to waste. Our only goal is to try and help folks be successful.

This is not a social media site for entertainment nor is it a mega carrier recruitment site.

We tell it as we see it and if that is to the liking fine, if not that is fine too.

Now as far as Roehl goes. If your not getting anywhere with Melissa contact Kim there. She has been there along time and has the juice to help expedite your application. At least you would have an answer one way or the other.

Hi PJ,

Thanks for your reply. You're right. I'm completely freaked out and I need to calm down. I'm too far inside my head...if that makes any sense and I need to majorly chill.

I do greatly appreciate all of you here. I'm sure you're all trying your best to steer me in the right direction and I'm sure you're all trying your best as well to be up front & honest with me. I'm sure you all realize I know nothing about the trucking industry and how it all works. I know that you all do considered you're a part of it and have been doing what it takes to make it work for you and your families.

If anything, I just wish I moved on this a heck of a lot sooner. I should have realized the job market for IT was way too competitive and a fossil like me didn't stand a chance anymore a lot earlier than I did.

Monday, I'll give Kim at Roehl a call and just let her know that I really need this and it really has to happen ASAP and if they aren't interested in giving me a shot to let me know that as well ASAP.

I really didn't think about the fact that this platform needs to get revenue from ads and that perhaps the ads here can be a bit misleading, but he's gotta do what he's gotta do even if he knows thst the ads are a but misleading. I get it. He just wants the platform to survive. Without it, no one would be able to get any advice, help, information, etc. at all and that would be a horrible thing.

In the meantime, I'm just going to lower the prices of everything I got on FB Marketplace so I can at least have some money to keep things going.

Once again, I thank each and every one of you for everything.


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The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

NaeNaeInNC's Comment
member avatar

PJ is correct. Stop, take a deep breath, and chill out.

A legal eviction takes months to work it's way through the courts. You aren't totally boned yet, but you are backed into a corner.

You need to stop the one at a time focus, and use the application on here that blasts your info to multiple companies. You don't have time to wait around for one company to say no, and then move onto the next.

Honestly, I got really really lucky, in that I got accepted by my first choice. That is NOT how it usually goes.

As for the current state of trucking, we are in a slump. Like has been said, it is a cycle. It ALWAYS is in a cycle. I have been lucky, in that this slowdown hasn't been too horrible for me. This is where being responsible, reliable, and a "get it done safely" kind of driver will make or break you.

You have been given the truth, and the best option for getting the biggest chance of getting a job, and you have blatantly ignored said truth, because you think you are doing it the "right" way. Getting hired in trucking is like no other job. Especially when you are coming in with zero experience.

BK's Comment
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James, like NaeNae pointed out, the timing is not good for you. This is through no fault of your own. Nevertheless, you are negatively impacted. Things will change, but can you wait it out? Maybe, maybe not.

James, I don’t know you but I like you because you have been very persistent here in the forum. I find you to be a sincere, unpretentious man. You don’t seem like a quitter. Most people who come here and find the going to be tougher than they expected give up and leave. You are something of a breath of fresh air here because you are hanging tough.

I’m really trying to think of something to help you and perhaps someone else here can direct you to a solution if you can endure the wait.

My email address is in my profile. If you want to talk and do some brainstorming, shoot me your phone number and I’ll call you. I have ample time to talk while driving.

James M.'s Comment
member avatar

James, like NaeNae pointed out, the timing is not good for you. This is through no fault of your own. Nevertheless, you are negatively impacted. Things will change, but can you wait it out? Maybe, maybe not.

James, I don’t know you but I like you because you have been very persistent here in the forum. I find you to be a sincere, unpretentious man. You don’t seem like a quitter. Most people who come here and find the going to be tougher than they expected give up and leave. You are something of a breath of fresh air here because you are hanging tough.

I’m really trying to think of something to help you and perhaps someone else here can direct you to a solution if you can endure the wait.

My email address is in my profile. If you want to talk and do some brainstorming, shoot me your phone number and I’ll call you. I have ample time to talk while driving.

Hi BK,

I'm sorry I have got back with you sooner. The past couple of days have been absolutely crazy, but I do have some good news and I should thank NaeNaeInNC for.

She mentioned something about blasting all of my info on the "Apply" for training on this site. I really didn't know what she meant, but I found out. I filled that out and sent that in. Got an email from Brett as well, but I think it was a form email. Anyways, since that I've been contacted by Prime Inc. and Wilson Logistics. I went through Driver Pulse and gave them what they required. So it seems like the ball is actually rolling now. Thank God!

James M.'s Comment
member avatar

PJ is correct. Stop, take a deep breath, and chill out.

A legal eviction takes months to work it's way through the courts. You aren't totally boned yet, but you are backed into a corner.

You need to stop the one at a time focus, and use the application on here that blasts your info to multiple companies. You don't have time to wait around for one company to say no, and then move onto the next.

Honestly, I got really really lucky, in that I got accepted by my first choice. That is NOT how it usually goes.

As for the current state of trucking, we are in a slump. Like has been said, it is a cycle. It ALWAYS is in a cycle. I have been lucky, in that this slowdown hasn't been too horrible for me. This is where being responsible, reliable, and a "get it done safely" kind of driver will make or break you.

You have been given the truth, and the best option for getting the biggest chance of getting a job, and you have blatantly ignored said truth, because you think you are doing it the "right" way. Getting hired in trucking is like no other job. Especially when you are coming in with zero experience.

Hi NaeNae,

I really need to thank you BIG TIME! I really had no idea what you were saying about using the application here to blast my info to multiple companies, but I looked around for it and I found it. I filled it out and a little while later I got an email from Brett, but I think it was just a form email.

Anyways, since I filled that out I've been contacted by Prime Inc. and Wilson Logistics. I've gave them all of the info they asked for through Driver Pulse. Thanks again!!!

Also, as far as being given the truth...I agree, but it was only at the time that I looked for the "actual" truth. Prior to that, I had believed the ATA article and other articles about a huge driver shortage. I honestly believed it...hook, line and sinker.

NOW I know the truth thanks to all of you here and I greatly appreciate it and I'm doing what I can to put myself into the driver's seat to get into training.

Thanks again!

James M.'s Comment
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I'm fully understanding that there really isn't a big demand for drivers now and I've seen that it's because of a freight shortage.

My question is: Why is there a freight shortage? Is it simply because the economy sucks?

Sorry if that's a stupid question. I just really wanted to know.


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