That was fun, glad it worked out...and you stole the words right outta my mouth, I was gonna say I been making the rounds lately! 😁
I was gonna say I been making the rounds lately
Wow, you told me I was the only one and there are no other drivers in your life.
I was gonna say I been making the rounds lately
Wow, you told me I was the only one and there are no other drivers in your life.
I was gonna say I been making the rounds lately
Wow, you told me I was the only one and there are no other drivers in your life.
😂😂😂 Well you and Bird-One are my close-to-home drivers!
Met up with Marc Lee and his cousin, Bob in Milwaukee. Some of you will remember Marc. He had two knee replacements done earlier this year and I just had my right knee done, so we were able to swap stories. It was a great conversation and was good to see Marc and meet his cousin.
Awesome Bruce. If I remember right, you got to meet up with him once before, didn't you?
Awesome Bruce. If I remember right, you got to meet up with him once before, didn't you?
You’ve got a good memory! This picture was taken in July, 2019.
That's awesome. Good to see ol Marc
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Looking good gentlemen!!
Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager
The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.