Should I Make The Move?

Topic 33224 | Page 1

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PhantomTrain's Comment
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Howdy y'all!

I've been considering trucking on and off for a few months now. I've been hesitant to really go forward with it, but I'm nearing my wit's end with my current situation.

To put it in context: I've been working in IT for about 5 1/2 years and to say that I'm dissatisfied with my career choice would be a huge understatement. I've grown to loathe the career path I've taken (and the IT industry in general). I'm not making nearly enough money that a person with 5 1/2 years' experience in IT should be making and, as a result, I'm working two jobs (both of which I hate) just to keep the lights on.

I've played American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2, both of which I really enjoy. ATS was what made me consider truck driving in the first place, but everyone knows that real life and video games are two totally different things. I also know other people who have loved ones or relatives who were truck drivers and they all say it's really good money. I used to be motivated by attaining massive amounts of wealth, but now my biggest goal is to earn enough money to not have to work two jobs just to pay the bills (with a secondary goal of moving to Henderson, NV).

Am I barking up the wrong tree here? Would it be better for me to stay on my current path? I'm eager to hear what y'all think.

Banks's Comment
member avatar

I understand your frustration and hope it all works out for you.

Like you said, a video game and real life are 2 different things. It's like saying you can get a stage because you're good at guitar hero or that you can rob a bank because you got away with it in Grand Theft Auto.

This career path is the opposite of your experience now. It's starts out with frustration and regret and it gets better with time and experience.

If you plan on doing this for money, I'd advise against it. With this current market and no experience, you'll probably make 40k your first year, 50 if you're a fast learner and it's more likely than not that you'll be working 70 hours a week.

You can make good money, but those opportunities come to people with experience and a proven track record. Until then, you have to pay your dues and learn your trade.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
NaeNaeInNC's Comment
member avatar

I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer here, but this current market is rough. I caution you about listening to those spouting about "I'm stacking mad amounts of cash homie" because they aren't being open and honest about what that really means. A lease operators gross revenue to the truck does look pretty impressive.

What they fail to mention, is how much of that gross went to expenses, and that's even before we start talking about taxes.

Be very sure that you are understanding exactly what they mean, when you are listening to them speak.

Now, having said that, there will always be a need for replacement drivers, as turnover is super high in this industry. Companies however are in a position to be super super picky right now, with who they bring onboard. There is a large shortage of freight. That's the current reality of it.

Even in this slowdown, I am still taking home more than I did working two jobs back home. I will weather this storm at this level, pretty well for the near future. Long term? None of us know for sure when freight will pick back up. I have my "at home" expenses stripped pretty dang low. My stuff is in a storage unit. I don't maintain a household. I can afford to hang in there longer than someone with a spouse, kids, and a mortgage could, with the available miles.

Someone will be a long with the helpful links that will give you some seriously important information that isn't really talked about much in a cohesive manner. This is nowhere near like a video game.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
BK's Comment
member avatar

You didn’t state what you are making now so it’s hard to advise you without more information. Important factors are your family situation and can you be on the road for multiple weeks at a time? It would be helpful if you could elaborate about your particular situation.

As Banks mentioned, driving can be as time consuming as working two jobs. But hating what you are doing now is not a good thing for anyone.

The best path for new entrants in the truck driving world is the sign on with a company that has a paid training program. You can find those companies right here on this site and fill out an application. After training it’s best to do one year of Over The Road driving at least. Then you can decide to do a different type of driving if you want. But right now you don’t even know what you want or don’t want.

There are many drivers who make six figure wages every year, but it took them a number of years to get to that level.

Personally, I couldn’t last at a job I hated, so I feel your pain. A job as a driver can be difficult, dangerous and time consuming. But I do love what I do. You might have a similar experience.

Over The Road:

Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Big Scott's Comment
member avatar

As the others have said freight sucks right now. Unless you are in a nich market. The larger companies, most of them train, are looking everywhere for freight to keep drivers rolling.

With OTR trucking you can expect irregular paychecks. Don't expect the same week to week. There are many factors that can affect your miles.

This is a lifestyle more than a career. Everything is an adjustment and the first year is the most difficult.

As you gain experience your pay rate and pay will go up.

Here are a couple of months of my pay. Keep in mind, I have 5 years and 625,000 miles of experience. You can see what the economy has done.



I hope this helps. Good luck.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

OnTheRoad's Comment
member avatar

PhantomTrain thanks for the post. First off, I am surprised that you are not making great money in IT. I thought they were paying good salaries in IT. What specifically are you doing in IT? Either way, I think you have answered your own question here. If you hate your job and you are miserable and you are not even making enough money to keep the lights on give trucking a whirl.

PhantomTrain's Comment
member avatar

This post got quite the buzz ...which is exactly what I was aiming for! smile.gif It's been one heck of a week this week, so I only now have time to respond. I'll try to respond to everyone as best I can.

You didn’t state what you are making now so it’s hard to advise you without more information. Important factors are your family situation and can you be on the road for multiple weeks at a time? It would be helpful if you could elaborate about your particular situation.

As Banks mentioned, driving can be as time consuming as working two jobs. But hating what you are doing now is not a good thing for anyone.

I should've mentioned this before (I knew I was forgetting something!), but I did the math again last night to make sure it was right, and leaving my second job out of it, I'm only making $35k in my current help desk position. If I factor my second job in, it goes up to ~$47k. That being said, I'm sure my family wouldn't mind me going OTR. They saw me once a month while I was in college the second time, so I think it could work out. I'm single with no children, so I don't really have any responsibilities other than paying my bills each month (and looking after my parents' dogs once in a blue moon).

PhantomTrain thanks for the post. First off, I am surprised that you are not making great money in IT. I thought they were paying good salaries in IT. What specifically are you doing in IT? Either way, I think you have answered your own question here. If you hate your job and you are miserable and you are not even making enough money to keep the lights on give trucking a whirl.

I think the fear of the unknown is my biggest reason for being hesitant. There's some things I know about, but a lot of things I don't know about this industry as well (which this site does a good job of telling others about). It's something I'll have to work out with myself (I've always been a rather indecisive person who easily talks themselves out of things).

(That and the thought of backing up 53' dry vans and hauling them around windy mountains gives me anxiety! rofl-2.gif )

As the others have said freight sucks right now. Unless you are in a nich market. The larger companies, most of them train, are looking everywhere for freight to keep drivers rolling.

With OTR trucking you can expect irregular paychecks. Don't expect the same week to week. There are many factors that can affect your miles.

That's another reason why I haven't pulled the trigger yet. I don't want to start a job where I'm guaranteed to make less than what I make now.

I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer here, but this current market is rough. I caution you about listening to those spouting about "I'm stacking mad amounts of cash homie" because they aren't being open and honest about what that really means. A lease operators gross revenue to the truck does look pretty impressive.

That's a pattern I noticed when talking to those people: their loved ones or relatives were all owner-operators (and they also probably drove when the economy was good). I'll definitely see if I can get in contact with those people to find out more about what they do and how that works.

I feel like I should probably do more research before pulling the trigger. I appreciate everyone's responses! It helps more than you know!


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Dry Van:

A trailer or truck that that requires no special attention, such as refrigeration, that hauls regular palletted, boxed, or floor-loaded freight. The most common type of trailer in trucking.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
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