That's a common occurrence with these auto shift transmissions. You are trying to maneuver slowly which keeps the clutch from fully engaging. Once you get better at backing you'll probably see this warning much less.
When I was first getting accustomed to these auto shift transmissions I saw that a few times when trying to park. You'll get better and the clutch will appreciate your new skills. Don't worry about it too much. You aren't really damaging anything. Everything about the mechanical operation of these trucks has sensors and warnings. It will stop moving if you start getting close to overheating the clutch. It's designed to protect itself from abuse.
Now... if you're feet are holding your brake pedal and your throttle while backing then that's a bad habit you need to immediately stop. That will put excess wear on things that don't really need that added stress.
This happened to me a number of times when I went solo and was still struggling with backing up. Just too much slipping the clutch and it overheats.
When this happens, the best thing you can do is to stop moving but leave the truck running for about 5 minutes to let the clutch cool down. If you keep trying to back up with an overheated clutch, your tractor will start bucking really hard.
Okay so sometimes when I'm backing up to the dock I'll get a warning saying "Clutch Overheating."
So I'm still new at all this so sometimes it takes me 5-10 minutes to get on the dock. My trainer said better to be slow and not hit anything than try to rush it and be reckless.
Is it just because I'm doing a lot of maneuvering or is there something specific I'm doing to get this warning?
I drive a 2020 Freightliner Cascadia, if that helps.
Ditto to what the others said. Going slow is fine but try to avoid feathering the throttle so much while you’re backing. Feathering the throttle like that for several minutes is what’s heating it up
I had that same issue when out with my trainer, is his 2015 Cascadia lease truck....Problem was the small space to the dock was slightly inclined uphill a degree or 2....
The truck kept bucking and kicking, he thought it was ME lol. So he took over, and it was doing it to him as well ( 1 of those, "I Told you so"moments)
It took him trying to back up, to show him, it wasn't my doing anything wrong. Think it took him like 10+ minutes, to finally dock. Never experienced that in the 2, 2019's and 2022 I drove
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Okay so sometimes when I'm backing up to the dock I'll get a warning saying "Clutch Overheating."
So I'm still new at all this so sometimes it takes me 5-10 minutes to get on the dock. My trainer said better to be slow and not hit anything than try to rush it and be reckless.
Is it just because I'm doing a lot of maneuvering or is there something specific I'm doing to get this warning?
I drive a 2020 Freightliner Cascadia, if that helps.